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Boi (Boilang) is a C-like programming language where all keywords contain the substring "boi". Boi borrows from both the procedural and functional paradigms.

Boi Is

  • Turing-complete, able to create interpreters for simple Turing-complete languages.
  • Compiled to unoptimized x86 intel-syntax assembly.
  • C-like and easier to pick up than most esolangs.
  • Lacking higher-order functions and callback functions.
  • Only able to perform calculations on integer types.

The compiler source code (read at your own risk lol), language manual, notes, and example programs can be found here.


Type Size In Bits C Equivalent
smolboi 8 char
boi 16 short
chonkboi 32 int
gigaboi 64 long long int


Note: "argybois" is currently unimplemented in v1.0

Boi Keyword Approx C Equivalent
@datboi main
argybois none
ifboi if
elseboi else
elifboi else if
loopyboi while
switchyboi switch
caseyboi case
fallboi default
yeetboi return
bonkboi exit(0)

Hello World

   putBoi("Hello World!");

Factorial of 4



    ifboi(n < 1) 
        yeetboi 1; 
    # Recursion!
    yeetboi n * foo(n - 1); 

Turing Completeness Proof

# Brainfuck Interpreter
@clear(a[smolboi], size);

    boi i;
    boi a;
    boi sp;
    boi sw;
    smolboi arr[10000];
    smolboi stack[10];
    smolboi s[10000];

    clear(arr, 10000);
    clear(stack, 10);
    clear(s, 10000);

    putBoi("Enter brainfuck string: ");
    getSmolBois(s, 10000);

    i = 0; 

    loopyboi(i < 10000 && s[i] != 0) 
        sw = s[i];
            caseyboi '>'
            { ++a; }
            caseyboi '<'
            { --a; }
            caseyboi '+'
            { arr[a] = arr[a] + 1; }
            caseyboi '-'
            { arr[a] = arr[a] - 1; }
            caseyboi '.'
            { putSmolBoi(arr[a]); }
            caseyboi ','
            { getBoi(arr[a]); }
            caseyboi '['
                ifboi(arr[a] == 0) 
                    loopyboi(s[++i] != ']') 
                    { }
                    stack[sp] = i;
            caseyboi ']'
                ifboi(arr[a] != 0)
                    i = stack[sp - 1]; 

@clear(a[smolboi], size)
    boi i = 0;
    loopyboi(i < size)
        a[i] = 0;

Tic Tac Toe + AI

@hasWin( b );
@isFull( b );
@emptySquare( b, i );
@square( i );
@printBoard( o, x );
@bsf( b );
@set( b, i );

@search( bm[boi], o, x, a, b, d );

@datboi( argybois )
    boi o = 0;
    boi x = 0;
    boi bm[1];
    boi m;

    # This is a fully functional tic tac toe game for the terminal.
    # It is written in boi, "the language of memes."
    printBoard( o, x );
    loopyboi( !isFull( o | x ) && !hasWin( o ) && !hasWin( x ) )
        putBoi("\nMake a move (1-9)\n");
        putBoi("9 8 7\n");
        putBoi("6 5 4\n");
        putBoi("3 2 1\n>>_");
        getBoi( m );
        ifboi( m >= 1 && m <= 9 && emptySquare( ( o | x ), m - 1 ) )
            o = set( o, m - 1 );
            search( bm, o, x, -100, 100, 0 );
            ifboi( isFull( o | x ) )
                printBoard( o, x );
                putBoi( "\nDraw!!!\n" );
                yeetboi( 0 );
            x = set( x, bm[0] );
            printBoard( o, x );

    putBoi( "\nI win!!!\n" );

@search( bm[boi], o, x, a, b, d )
    boi score;
    boi s;
    boi i = 0;

    # This is a tic tac toe AI, written in boi.
    # It showcases boi's support for recursion.

    ifboi( hasWin( x ) ) { yeetboi( 10 - d ); } 

    ifboi( hasWin( o ) ) { yeetboi( d - 10 ); } 

    ifboi( isFull( o | x ) ) { yeetboi( 0 ); } 

    score = -100;
    loopyboi( i < 9 )
        ifboi( emptySquare( (o | x), i ) )
            x = set( x, i );
            s = 
                bm, x, o, -b, -a, (d + 1) 
            x = set( x, i ); 

            ifboi( s > score )
                ifboi( d == 0 ) { bm[0] = i; }
                score = s;
                ifboi( s > a )
                    a = s;
                    ifboi( s >= b )
                    { yeetboi( score ); }

    yeetboi( score );

@bsf( b )
    smolboi db = 
        0,   1, 48,  2, 57, 49, 28,  3,
        61, 58, 50, 42, 38, 29, 17,  4,
        62, 55, 59, 36, 53, 51, 43, 22,
        45, 39, 33, 30, 24, 18, 12,  5,
        63, 47, 56, 27, 60, 41, 37, 16,
        54, 35, 52, 21, 44, 32, 23, 11,
        46, 26, 40, 15, 34, 20, 31, 10,
        25, 14, 19,  9, 13,  8,  7,  6

    # Bit Scan Forward - From the Chess Programming Wiki
    yeetboi( db[ ( ( b & -b ) * 285870213051386505 ) >> 58 ] );

@printBoard( o, x )
    smolboi a[9];
    boi i = 0; 

    # This function prints the board! 

    loopyboi( i < 9 )
        a[i] = '-';
    loopyboi( o )
        a[ bsf( o ) ] = 'o';
        o = o & (o - 1);
    loopyboi( x )
        a[ bsf( x ) ] = 'x';
        x = x & (x - 1);
    putBoi("\n ");
    putSmolBoi( a[0] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[1] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[2] );
    putBoi("\n---+---+---\n ");
    putSmolBoi( a[3] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[4] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[5] );
    putBoi("\n---+---+---\n ");
    putSmolBoi( a[6] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[7] );
    putBoi(" | ");
    putSmolBoi( a[8] );

@square( i ) { yeetboi( 256 >> i ); }  

@emptySquare( b, i ) { yeetboi !( b & square( i ) ); } 

@isFull( b ) { yeetboi( b == 511 ); }

@set( b, i ) { yeetboi( b ^ square( i ) ); }

@hasWin( b )
    smolboi magic = 
        128, 128, 128, 128,
        128, 128, 128, 255,
        128, 170, 240, 250,
        128, 170, 240, 255,
        128, 128, 204, 204,
        128, 128, 204, 255,
        128, 170, 252, 254,
        128, 170, 252, 255,
        128, 128, 170, 170,
        240, 240, 250, 255,
        128, 170, 250, 250,
        240, 250, 250, 255,
        128, 128, 238, 238,
        240, 240, 254, 255,
        255, 255, 255, 255,
        255, 255, 255, 255 

    # Probes the magic win table that I pre-computed.
    yeetboi( magic[ b >> 3 ] & ( 1 << ( b & 7 ) ) );