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Blainbuk is an esolang that golfs brainfuck created by User:Ractangle


Command It's action
"..." String literal
. Print the TOS
, Take chat input
: Same as the . command but it prints the top value of the stack as a number
m moves the first item on the stack to the top
0-9 Pushes the number that the cursor is currently pointing at
^ Ends program
[ The Brainfuck loop command (if the current element at the top is zero or if the stack is empty, jump to ])
; Same thing as the , command but stores the input as a number
+ Takes two cells, adds the together and pops the unoperated element
- Same thing as the + command but does suntraction instead
= Duplicates the top of the element on the stack
~ Pop the TOS and set's the proper to the popped TOS


Hello, world!

"Hello, world!".^

