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Bbblang is a Turing tarpit created by User:CreeperBomb. "Bbblang" is either pronounced as /'b::leıŋ/ or /'bbbleıŋ/, depending on which one turns out to be less intuitive for the general people. It takes place on a bidirectionally (up-down) infinite tape of cells and one pointer, each cell storing integers 0-3, inclusive. Only the parity (even/odd) of each cell is readable and writable to the user, but is readable and writable at all times. There are four commands, written in quaternary:

Value Action
2 Increments the pointed cell, wrapping back to 0 on overflow
1 Moves the pointer up if the value of the pointed cell is less than 2, and down otherwise
3 Goes immediately after matching 0 if the current cell is even
0 Goes to matching 3

These are then concatenated and converted to base suboptimal to get the final code. Blank programs become 0 during this conversion.