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backway is a esolang thats just made to f*ck with the user. a lot. made by User:yayimhere


all simple information like syntax is listed here


the simplest syntax of backway

symbol how to description
A↸B take A a flip its binary, then add B to it then flip this new numbers octal then convert to unicode using its hexadecimal then convert this unicode back to its octal numbers and treat that as base 64 then convert it back to base 10. gives error if it can't convert to unicode
A⥺B(C) if A has more than 2 factors then it take B subtracts C from B adds A flips the octal adds A with its last digit incremented by C and then flips it octal back around
A⊯B(C<-B) A and B must be strings. runs function C if A can(after each value of ascii has been flipped in octal then bit swapped in binary) can be shuffled into B or B after doing the same procedure as on A. then runs C using B(if multi input uses bit flipped copies of B). also what inside the brackets will just be the functions spesified the get in here is just to show how it works. so technically it's A⊯B(C)
<- A<-(B, C,...) A is a function(described later) then it uses the input B, C and so on with commas separating inputs. all the inputs have had it's two front binary the front bit swapped with the last and flipped and then swapped with the second to last digit
A⍻B⍻ replace L and R with W the string A then take its total sum of ascii(A# and B#) and replace L and R with ⎋ in B then subtract the last 3 bits of B# from A#(binary) then add the other bits of B#
A⎇(B-<CπB<-D) if A(a string) replace L and R with (whitespace) includes more whitespaces than A's it chooses the first option(C) else its the second option(D)
π AπB used in conditional branches like . is or so A or B. the number of or's is based on the number of branches a operations has. if there is no ors and only one option its(sometimes) just a simple if-then statement
A∞B and. works like π but is two things in 1
ℵ[]-∑ ℵ[...]-∑... runs what's inside the []'s while whats infront of the as long as its not true. runs something that is true once and only once
user input(number or char)
♅(A) prints A

this below is for the if's of a loop:

returns bool commands
symbol how to description
A℥B returns true if the bits can be swapped and flipped(every bit is flipped at each flip no

individual flips) around from A to B

A⋥(B, C) returns false if A can be swapped and flipped(like in ) around and put into two pieces with one piece being B and another C
always returns false
always returns true
takes user input(1 is true 0 is false)

memory syntax

all the syntax for functions
start of function:


there is <- or get which gives all the inputs(in the order of the functions input to save a variable:

name<-{list index}

to add to list:


0 is first index in the infinite list put +- around value to say its binary:
