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"I am really out of ideas now. Backsharp is the best I can come up with. Seriously, 'BS#' looks stupid as fuck. What am I doing with my life?" Threesodas (talk) 22:44, 26 April 2021 (UTC)
Sometimes, we strive for pain. I wanted to simulate that. Here's Backsharp (BS#).
Unlike Backshar+, Backsharp does not completely use symbols, but is more confusing than Backshar+.
Backsharp splits characters with spaces, but then covers whitespace with periods. For instance, you would write "Hello world and apple banana" like this:
Whitespace within whitespace (spaces) is replaced with +s.
Backsharp still uses symbols, but they each mean different things.
Symbol | Use | Example |
@ | Console (or output zone) | [@]=>.b.a.c.k.s.h.a.r.p.!. |
# | Variable | #[x]=>.6.9. |
% | String | %.h.e.y.+.g.u.y.s... |
$ | User input | #[x]<=.$. |
& | Function | &.m.y.^f.u.n.c. |
^ | Uppercase (used in strings) | %.^w.e.l.c.o.m.e.+.^h.o.m.e. |
\\ | Comment | \\this does action! |
IO functionality
Print something to console:
Square brackets define the next object to be selected, such as a variable, or in this case, the console.
Then, we use the =>
operator to tell the object that it should spit something out.
If it were a variable, you'd put [@]=>.[.v.a.r.].
Ask for a user's name:
[@]=>.^w.h.a.t.'.s.+.y.o.u.r.+.n.a.m.e.?. #[.n.a.m.e.]<=.$. [@]=>.^c.o.o.l.,.+.y.o.u.r.+.n.a.m.e.+.i.s.+.[.n.a.m.e.]...
Notice that if anything in square brackets only has one character, it does not use periods. However, 2+ characters breaks this rule.
Also, this code uses <=
, which means it should receive a value, in this case it's the next line from the console.
Variables can be set like this:
Print a variable:
Set a variable to another variable:
Add two variables together:
(See Operators for a full list of math operators).
Unless you're stupid, you won't need to have to define the variable type. Just in case, here's how it's done:
Replace the #
with the variable type.
.s.t.r.i.n.g. .b.o.o.l. .i.n.t. .d.o.u.b.l.e. .b.y.t.e.
Create an array like this:
.a.r.r.[.c.a.r.s.]=>.% .^t.o.y.o.t.a. .^v.o.l.v.o. .^f.o.r.d. %
Equivalent to: string[] cars = { "Toyota", "Volvo", "Ford" };
This is an example of a function:
&.m.y.f.u.n.c. &.r.e.t.u.r.n.:.v.o.i.d. &.d.e.f.i.n.e. #[x]=>.2.0. #[y]=>.4.0. #[z]=>[y].s.u.b.[x] [@]=>.[z]. &.e.n.d.d.e.f.
Every variable is global by default. Imo, protection keywords are kind of useless. Just don't fucking use the variable later on.
If/else & switch statements
Write an if statement like this:
!.w.h.e.n.(.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.) [@]=>.h.e.l.l.o.!. !.e.l.s.e.(.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.) [@]=>.g.o.o.d.b.y.e.!. !.e.n.d
Write a switch statement like this:
?.s.w.i.t.c.h.(.e.x.p.r.e.s.s.i.o.n.) ?.c.a.s.e.(.c.o.n.d.i.t.i.o.n.) [@]=>.p.o.o.p.y. ?.b.r.e.a.k. ?.e.n.d. ?.e.n.d.
.s.u.m. : add two things .s.u.b. : subtract two things .m.u.l. : times two things .d.i.v. : divide two things .m.o.d. : calculate the modulo of something .s.q.t. : calculate the squareroot of something .s.q.r. : square something .c.b.e. : cube something
!= : not equal to == : equal to >= : greater than =< : less than >> : greater than or equal to << : less than or equal to
Define a class like this:
&&.m.y.c.l.a.s.s. :> [@]=>.p.r.i.n.t.+.f.r.o.m.+.m.y.c.l.a.s.s. <:
The main class is always .p.r.o.g.r.a.m.
, which is needed to run a program.
System data
&&.s.y.s.t.e.m. :> .t.i.m.e.=>#[x] <: : get system time in milliseconds since 2000 (do math to calculate extra stuff) &&.s.y.s.t.e.m. :> .o.s.=>#[y] <: : get system os &&.s.y.s.t.e.m. :> .b.i.t.t.y.p.e.=>#[z] <: : get system bit type (32/64 bit) &&.s.y.s.t.e.m. :> .a.p.p.o.p.e.n.[.a.p.p.n.a.m.e.].=>#[a] <: : check if specified app is open (works with files in general)
Example programs
Simple calculator
&&.p.r.o.g.r.a.m. :> [@]=>.m.e.t.a.:.c.l.e.a.r. \\this clears the console completely. [@]=>.^c.h.o.o.s.e.+.a.n.+.o.p.e.r.a.t.o.r.:. [@]=>.^a.d.d.,.+.s.u.b.,.+.m.u.l.t.,.+.d.i.v... #[.o.p.e.r.a.t.o.r.]<=.$. [@]=>.^i.n.p.u.t.+.n.u.m.b.e.r.+.1... #[m]<=.$. [@]=>.^i.n.p.u.t.+.n.u.m.b.e.r.+.2... #[n]<=.$. #[x]=>[m][.o.p.e.r.a.t.o.r.][n] [@]=>.^r.e.s.u.l.t.:.+.[.x.]. <:
Choose an operator: Add, sub, mult, div. input Input number 1. input Input number 2. input Result: variable