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BF²ᵈ is a brainf*** derivative made by User:Masalt in Snap! to allow for video game creation.
Command | Description |
Move the cell pointer to the right |
Move the cell pointer to the left |
Increment the memory cell at the cell pointer |
Decrement the memory cell at the cell pointer |
Input a character and store it in the cell at the cell pointer |
Jump past the matching ] if the cell pointer's cell value is 0
Jump back to the matching [ if the cell pointer's cell value is nonzero
Move screen pointer up |
Move screen pointer down |
Move screen pointer left |
Move screen pointer right |
Write a pixel at the screen pointer's current location |
Set the screen pointer's brightness to the cell pointer's current cell value |
Infinite Loop
Hello World
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||._._._._.||/./||._._._._.||//||/.\._._/.\._._./.\///||||._._._._./.||//||._._._._./. ||//||/.\._._._._././||||._._._._.||////||._._._._././|||._._._.||._._././||||._._._._ .||//||/.\._._._._././||||._._._._.||//||._._._._.||/||.__.__||/||._._.__||/||__._._.| |//||._._._._./.||//||/.\._._._._././|||._._.+[]