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Paradigm(s) Imperative
Designed by User:Hakerh400
Appeared in 2025
Computational class Turing complete
Major implementations Implemented
File extension(s) .txt

Ash is an esolang invented by User:Hakerh400 in 2025.


Memory is represented as a tape infinite in both directions. The tape is divided into cells. Each cell contains a bit. Initially, every bit is random, except the bit at the position of the memory pointer, which is 1.


  • < - Move memory pointer left
  • > - Move memory pointer right
  • ~ - Write a random bit into the current cell
  • , - Input a bit into the current cell
  • . - Output the bit from the current cell
  • [] - Repeat the code from brackets while the current bit is 1

I/O format

Every input bit is prepended with bit 1, and infinitely many 0 bits are appended to the end of input. For example, the input string 1011 becomes


This preprocessing applies to the input, but not the output.

Syntactic sugar

The syntax name := code replaces the string name with code in the rest of the program.


All examples in this section start with the following definitions:

l1 := <<[<<~[>>>0<<0]>>]>
r1 := <<[>>~[<0>>0]<<]>
l2 := <<[L'~[R' >0 L' 0]R']>
r2 := <<[R'~[<<<0 R' 0]L']>
rand := ~
init := >0>
L' := <<<<
R' := >>>>
L := l2 L'
R := r2 R'
0 := [~]
1 := r1
flip := l2 [<<0>>0] r1 L' <[>]> R
in := ,
out := .

Note the literal string init after the definitions. It prepares the memory.


in [in out in]

Invert bits

in [in flip out in]

Reverse bits

0 R R in [R in R in]
L L [R out L L L]

Randomize bits

Replace each input bit with a random bit.

in [rand out in in]

External resources