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This is a esoteric programming language made by User:AlmostGalactic made in scratch

Check it out here


Instructions Args Purpose
+ value Adds a character or string to the top of the stack
- none Removes the bottom of the stack
> text Outputs text to the console
~ none Returns the bottom of the stack
~\ none Sets the ~ to blank
< none reverses the stack
: none Combines the stack into one string
! number Jumps to a certain index in the code
? value Checks if the ~ value is equal to the value, if so, it runs the code in the if
?! value Checks if the ~ value is not equal to the value, if so, it runs the code in the if
| none End of ? statement
= none Creates a variable with the value of ~
~( number sets the ~ value to the value of the variable with the specified number.
=( number replaces the value of the variable with the specified number to the ~ value
=) number deletes the variable with the specified number
@ number returns the value of the variable with the specified number.
{} text Basically a string. Can only be used in certain instructions.
& operator Does math on the last to items on the bottom of the stack using the specified operator.
# none Halts the program.
_ none Asks for the user input. Adds the input to the bottom of the stack
$ number Gets a random number between 1 and the specified number. Only whole numbers
^ none Clears the output
; seconds Waits the specified number of seconds


Hello, World

This is the easiest "Hello, World" Statement in AnnoyingScript

>{Hello, World}

Here is a more complex one using more features

+H+e+l+l+o+ +W+o+r+l+d<:~>~

Cat Program

Here is a cat program


Truth Machine



+C+a+l+c+u+l+a+t+o+r<:~->~+E+n+t+e+r+ +O+p+e+r+a+t+o+r+ +(+ +++ +-+ +*+ +/+ +%+ +)<:~-_~-=+F+i+r+s+t+ +N+u+m+b+e+r<:~-_~-=+S+e+c+o+n+d+ +N+u+m+b+e+r<:~-_~-=+@2+@3&@1~->~

Number Guessing Game

+0~-=${10}~-=(1~\^+P+i+c+k+ +a+ +n+u+m+b+e+r+ +b+e+t+w+e+e+n+ +1+ +-+ +1+0<:~-_~-?@1+C+o+r+r+e+c+t+!<:~->~#|+W+r+o+n+g+!<:~->~;1!{15}