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Aliquid is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022.

(After every Instruction, Rotate the IP by 90 Degrees Clockwise*.)

Commands Instructions
AA Starting point, Pointing Upwards.
AB This will Push to the top of the stack , The top value of the stack +1.
AC This Will push 0 on Top of The stack.
AD Import A new Stack.
AE Import a New Queue.
AF Instead of Turning Clockwise, After this Command, The IP will Turn anti-clockwise 90 Degrees.
AG Assign the new Stack of the Next Command As a Number.
BA Determine Which Stack of the next command As A Number Due to the Assigned by AG.
BB Flip the Stack and Duplicate the top of the stack Before and -1 And push it on the bottom of the Queue
BC Assign the new queue of the next command As a number.
BD Determine which Queue of the next command as a number Due to the Assigned by BC.
BE Pop off the top the Stack and Assign it as X.
BF Pop off the bottom the Queue and Assign it as Y.
BG Go to The XY Coordinates of The Grid of the Program, Unless The current value on the Tape is 0.
CA Ignore the Next Command then +1 Then go right on the tape, As many times As The bottom of the queue + The top of the stack / The current cell of the tape Times.
CB Assign the new Tape of the next command As a number.
CC Determine which tape of the next command as a number Due to the Assigned by CB.
CD Collapses Two Tapes into One by addition and Also Assign a new Tree.
CE Toggle The Grid into the 7 based number grid.
CF Determine which Tree of the next command as a number Due to the Assigned by CD.
CG Create a new branch Of the left.
DA Create a new branch Of the right.
DB Go down of the Index of the next command As A Number.
DC Go up a node.
DD Collapse All the connecting nodes to this node And Sum them up into One singular valuwe and store it in the Node.
DE Set the current node by the Command, not A command Representing A number, The command Itself.
DF Noop.
DG Noop.
EA Noop.
EB If DF Amount > DG & EA, Go straight Instead of 90 Degrees Clockwise.
EC Edit XY Coordinates to the top node of the tree %3 for DF, %1 for DG & %2 for EA.
ED If EB is Won 3 times in a row And bottom right node is 6, bottom of Queue, 5, Tape 0, Top of the Stack 9, Turn 90 Degrees Clockwise, If Used Twice, All Right is Now Left & Vice Versa.
EE Edit ED, EB by +1.
EF Edit ED, EB by -1.
EG Start of a 2d grid starting on the top left, There isn't A "Turn right" rule in this particular Set.
FA End of the 2D grid, there must be a 10x10 Command border, At least 58% Used.
FB True Noop.
FC (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Point Upwards.
FD (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Point leftwards.
FE (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Point rightwards.
FF (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Point downwards.
FG (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Push 1 On the 2d exclusive Stack.
GA (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Add the top two values on the 2d exclusive Stack.
GB (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Push the Input on the 2d exclusive Stack.
GC (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Push -1 On the stack.
GD (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) If the top value isnt 0, point Rightwards, Else Point Upwards.
GE (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Pop off the top of the 2d Exclusive stack into ASCII.
GF (this is A 2D grid Exclusive.) Terminate 2D grid, Go to YX Coordinates, not XY Coordinates, YX Coordinates.
GG Ending point.

Simplest Program: