Albuquerque challenge/exampled to itself
the albuquerque challenge is a programming challenge is a programming challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a programming challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the albuquerque challenge is a programming challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is a programming challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
the albuquerque challenge is a programming challenge by user:tommyaweosme after getting 3-4 hours into a 17-hour video called "albuquerque but every time a word repeats it loops (normal speed)".
the goal of this challenge is to make a program that takes an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an input from the user, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
as an example,
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am awesome person. am awesome person. am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am i am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i cool? i cool? i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i guess i guess i guess i am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i am i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i cool? i guess i am i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except one made in penguinmod on user:tommyaweosmes school computer, verrrry slow, and then outputs a string of text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except one made in penguinmod on user:tommyaweosmes school computer, verrrry slow, and using text that is the input from the user, except every time a word is repeated it loops back to its previous usage.
as an example,
i am awesome person. am i cool? i guess i am
when inputted to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except one made in penguinmod on user:tommyaweosmes school computer, verrrry slow, and using text to the program, would output
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except one made in penguinmod on user:tommyaweosmes school computer, verrrry slow, and using text to speech for some reason (they blocked scratch :( )
i am awesome person. am awesome person. am i am awesome person. am i cool? i cool? i guess i guess i am i cool? i guess i am
(this gets out of hand very quickly.)
none except one made in penguinmod on user:tommyaweosmes school computer, verrrry slow, and using text to speech for some reason (they blocked scratch :( )
any actual interpretations can go down here.