akdrfsbathnede knem

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akdrfsbathnede knem Is a esolang by User:Qawtykit that uses a tape of stacks to store data.


akdrfsbathnede knem has an unbounded tape of stacks. Those stacks can contain any integer. You can also "carry" one value and place it somewhere else. The tape is seven cells long, and the pointer starts in the center of it (leaving three cells in either direction).


Command Description
> Same as in brainfuck
< Same as in brainfuck
# Push 1 onto the current stack
^ Pop the top of the current stack, and begin carrying it
v Push the carried value onto the current stack, and remove the carried value
V Push the carried value onto current stack twice, and remove the carried value
+ Remove the carried value and pop the top of the stack. Add them together, and push the result onto the current stack
- Same as +, but subtraction (popped value - carried value)
* Same as +, but multiplication
/ Same as +, but division (popped value / carried value)
% Same as +, but modulo (popped value % carried value)
G Remove the carried value, y, and pop the top of the current stack, x. If x > y, push 1, otherwise push 0
= Same as G, but it's equal to
| pop from the current stack. if the top of current stack is 0, go to previous |. The first | can still be jumped to, but it is otherwise ignored.
$ same as |, but it goes to the next one instead
I Take a number from the user and push it onto current stack
O Remove the carried value and output as number
U Remove the carried value and output its corresponding Unicode character


Infinite loop




Fun Video Game
