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ASCII-Sorted Core Instructions

Entries without Command Names or Code denote currently-unused chars.

Char Command Name Python-like Pseudo-code
% rmath_t_tl_mod t=t%tl
* rmath_t_tl_mul t=t*tl
+ rmath_t_tl_add t=t+tl
- rcore_t_flipsign t=t*-1
. rcore_t_len_s t=len(stack)
/ rmath_t_tl_idiv t=t//tl
: rcore_t_len_s2 t=len(stack2)
< rcore_t_shl t=t*2
> rcore_t_shr t=t//2
A rcore_and_tl tl = tk AND tl
B rbarr_b_t_tl b[tl]=t
C rbarr_t_varnum_tl_b get varnum from t%4+1 chars in array b starting at index tl ; store varnum to t
D rbarr_var_b make new var with name (in varnum format) in b[t] and value of b[t+1]
E rmeta_t_var value of var with name (in varnum format) in t is stored to t.
F rcore_f_t tf=t
G rcore_g_t tg=t
H rcore_h_t th=t
I rcore_i_t ti=t
J rcore_jnz_a if(tk!=0) goto line# t
K rcore_k_t tk=t
L rcore_l_t tl=t
M rxtio_t_out_hex codeblock that outputs t as a base-16 int
N rcore_not_tl tl = NOT tl
O rcore_or_tl tl = tk OR tl
P rmath_t_tl_log t=math.floor(math.log(t,tl))
Q rcore_quit_ifkz if(tk==0) sys.exit(t)
R rxtra_t_randseed random.seed(t)
S rcore_s_t stack.append(t)
T rcore_s2_t stack2.append(t)
U rxtra_t_uptime_ns t=time.monotonic_ns()%1000000000
W rxtio_t_in_int codeblock that inputs a base-10 int and stores it to t
X rcore_xor_tl tl = tk XOR tl
Y rxtio_t_out_int codeblock that outputs t as a base-10 int
Z rcore_ztg if(t>0) tk=1; else tk=0
^ rcore_t_inc t=t+1
_ rcore_t_zero t=0
a rcore_and_tk tk = tk AND tl
b rbarr_t_b_tl t=b[tl]
c rbarr_t_wordnum_tl_b get wordnum from t%4+2 chars in array b starting at index tl ; store wordnum to t
d rbarr_word_b make new word with name (in wordnum form) in b[t] and valid chars starting at b[t+1]
e rmeta_run_word_t runs word with name (in wordnum format) in t; t=(sum of return vals)%256 (usually 0). Note: any word whose code contains the char 'e' will not run properly here.
f rcore_t_f t=tf
g rcore_t_g t=tg
h rcore_t_h t=th
i rcore_t_i t=ti
j rcore_jnz_r if(tk!=0) goto line# (line+t)
k rcore_t_k t=tk
l rcore_t_l t=tl
m rxtio_t_in_hex codeblock that inputs a base-16 int and stores it to t
n rcore_not_tk tk = NOT tk
o rcore_or_tk tk = tk OR tl
p rmath_t_tl_pow t=math.floor(pow(t,tl))
q rcore_quit sys.exit(t)
r rxtra_t_randint t=random.randint(0,t-1)
s rcore_t_s t=stack.pop()
t rcore_t_s2 t=stack2.pop()
u rxtra_t_uptime_s t=math.floor(time.monotonic())
v rcore_t_dec t=t-1
w rxtio_t_in_char
x rcore_xor_tk tk = tk XOR tl
y rxtio_t_out_char sys.stdout.write(t)
z rcore_zte if(t==0) tk=1; else tk=0
| rcore_t_abs t=abs(t)

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