Action symbol
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Action symbol is a simple Matrioshka language based on the danish word for "
. it was created by User:Yayimhere.
how it works
the program has two types of syntax:
x[y](z) will create an operator x with input y, that will return the result of expression z. z must hold at least one " x!y apply x operator to y "x evaluate x. normally an expression is not evaluated unless its NEEDED. " will not need to be itself evaluated »x« when x is evaluated do it separately from the rest of the expression(basically brackets in normal expressions)
programs are also when evaluated lazily and left to right.
relation to Lambda calculus
in a version of lambda calculus where first of all variables can be defined and also a expression is only evaluated when it would be passed to a function:
{x[y](z)} -> x = \y.{z} {"x} -> (\y.y) {x} {x!y} -> {x} {y} {»x«} -> ({x})
where {...}
converts ...
to this lambda calculus
w[x]("»x!x«) o[x]("»w!w«)
o is now the omega combinator
j[y]("x) k[x]("j)
k is now k from SKI combinator calculus