8 bits, 256 bytes

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8 bits, 256 bytes is an esolang by User:ChuckEsoteric08 inspired by Chip-8.


It has 8-bit Program Counter, allowing programs to have 256 bytes at most, it has 16 8-bit internal registers, R0-RF, last one used only as a flag for other instructions, and a 8-bit Stack Pointer for the call stack. Program uses the same store for both program and data. There is also a 64x64 screen and a 16-key keyboard similar to Chip-8. Sprites are encoded as a series of 1 to 16 bytes similar to Chip-8.


Each command is dtored as 2 bytes, so each program can store only 128 commands. For the following commands it uses this values:

n, x or y - nybble, a single hex value
b - a single byte

It has following commands, written in hex:

Hex Assembly Description
0000 CLS Clears the screen
0001 RET Returns from subroutine
01b CALL b Call subroutine at address b
02b JMP b Jumps to instruction b
1nb SE n, b Skips next instructuon if Rn = b
2nb SN n, b Skips next instruction if Rn != b
03xy EQ x, y Skips next instruction if Rx = Ry
04xy NE x, y Skips instruction if Rx != Ry
4nb SB n, b Sets Rn to b
5nb LD n, b Loads a value from address b to Rn
6nb ST n, b Stores a value of Rn to address b
05xy SR x, y Sets Rn = Ry
7nb ADD n, b Set Rn += b
8nb SUB n, b Set Rn -= b
06xy ADR x, y Set Rx += Ry
07xy SUR x, y Set Rx -= Ry
08xy AND x, y Set Rx = Rx AND Ry
09xy OR x, y Set Rx = Rx OR Ry
0Axy XOR x, y Set Rx = Rx XOR Ry
0B0n RS n If least significant bit is 1, Set RF to 1, else set it to 0. Then divide Rn by 2
0B1n LS n If most significant bit is 1, Set RF to 1, else set it to 0. Then multiply Rn by 2
0B2n SP n Skip next command if key n is pressed
0B2n NP n Skip next command if key n is pressed
0B3n SK n Wait for key press, and set Rn to the value of pressed key
9xyn DR x, y, n Draw n-byte sprite at coordinates Rx, Ry

Each time after addition or subtraction wraps around RF is set to 1, if after an operation was performed it didn't wrap RF is set to 0