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2dthings is a programming language that uses things that interact with each other

Some stuff


"o" a ball that just rolls right unless interacts with mirror
"v>^<" a mirror that can change the direction of a ball
"?" a checker that checks if a ball is there and if there is then turn the checker to a unchecker
"!" a unchecker that checks if a ball is there and if there is then turn the unchecker to a checker
"Y" a branch and if a ball goes on it, if the ball has a checker, go through and take away vvv
the checker, else if it has a unchecker, turn around and take away the unchecker, else destroy the ball
"O" a hole that when a ball goes into it, it will go to the next hole in the same direction note: example is oOskippedOisnotskipped
"&" a sucker that when a ball goes into it, the ball will be destroyed
"@" a picker upper that when a ball goes on it, it makes the ball pick up the (un)checker to the right of it
"*" returns the thing the ball is holding