The 01_ programming language, designed by Q P Liu, features lazy evaluation and pattern matching. The only datatype is the list of bits. The only operations are function calls and list concatenation.
The characters 0, 1, ., _, and = are special tokens. Uninterrupted sequences of all other non-space characters are symbols. A double equals (==) indicates that the rest of the line is a comment.
A program in 01_ consists of 1 or more definitions.
A definition consists of a symbol, followed by 0 or more patterns, followed by an equals (=) followed by 1 or more expressions, followed by a dot (.).
A pattern consists of 0 or more bits (0 or 1), followed by either a symbol, a dot (.) or a nil (_), and corresponds to an argument. A symbol that ends a pattern is a bound argument. Optionally, if the final argument has 1 or more bits and ends with a dot (.), the dot may be omitted.
An expression is either a bound argument (a single symbol), or a literal (0 or more bits followed by a nil (_)), or a function call. A function call is a symbol followed an expression for each argument it takes. The final nil (_) may be dropped from a literal expression with 1 or more bits unless it is followed by another literal expression.
It is an error if there are definitions with differing numbers of arguments for a symbol.
It is an error for an expression to end with a function call without all its arguments.
A function consists of one or more definition. Evaluation of a function call starts by attempting to match its arguments with the patterns in each definition starting with the first. If all the arguments match their respective patterns in a definition, the function evaluates to the concatenation of the expressions in the definition body. It is a run-time error if none of the definitions are matched.
Argument matching is done from left to right. If an argument fails to match, the entire definition does not match and matching continues with the next definition.
For an argument to match a pattern, its top bits must match the bits beginning the pattern. If the pattern ends with a nil (_), the argument must end after the matching bits, otherwise argument does not match. If the pattern ends with a dot (.), the pattern is wild and the remainder of the argument is ignored. If the pattern ends with a symbol, the symbol is bound to the remainder of the argument in the body of the definition.
Hello world (ASCII):
hello=0100100001100101011011000110110001101111001000000 1110111011011110111001001101100011001000010000100001010.
fibonacci: the number of zeros before each one in the result follows the fibonacci sequence
fib = 101 + fib dropfirst fib. dropfirst 1x = x. + 0a b = 0 + a b. + a 0b = 0 + a b. + 1a 1b = 1 + a b.
quine (ASCII): this should be a one-liner -- line breaks were inserted for readability
q=d p d0010111000001010.p0b=00110000p b.p1b=00110001p b.p_=_.d=01110001 00111101011001000010000001110000001000000110010000110000001100000011000 10011000000110001001100010011000100110000001100000011000000110000001100 00001100010011000000110001001100000010111001110000001100000110001000111 10100110000001100000011000100110001001100000011000000110000001100000111 00000010000001100010001011100111000000110001011000100011110100110000001 10000001100010011000100110000001100000011000000110001011100000010000001 1000100010111001110000010111110011110101011111001011100110010000111101.