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It's 🕳️Q9+ but instead of 🕳️.

坑Q9+ is a joke language created by islptng.


坑Q9+ has these commands:

Command Description Derived from
or [KENG] Get user input and output the input.
or [TAN] Get user input in string form and return it.
警[input] or [JING][input] Reverse input and return it.
问[input] or [WEN][input] Output input.
{code} Repeat code forever. 🕳️
n{code} Repeat code n times. 🕳️Q9+
Return the program's source code. Original
H or h Output “Hello, world!”. HQ9+
Q or q Output the program’s source code. HQ9+
9 Output the lyrics to 99 Bottles of Beer. HQ9+
+ or i Increment the accumulator. HQ9+, Deadfish, brainfuck
s Square the accumulator. Deadfish
- or d Decrement the accumulator. Deadfish, brainfuck
o Print the value of the accumulator as an integer. Deadfish
. Print the value of the accumulator as an ASCII character. brainfuck

Any line not starting with a valid command is a no-op.

The accumulator starts at 0. Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks, with 下 for a newline. Backslash (\) is used for escaping double quotation marks and 下. Integers are enclosed in parentheses. Inputs can also have the accumulator (with a). If it is a string input, it will be parsed as a string.


Hello, world! 1


Hello, world! 2

问["Hello, World!"]



Quine 2


Quine 3


Cat program 1

Cat program 2


99 bottles of beer


XKCD Random Number 1

Chosen by fair dice roll.
Guaranteed to be random.

XKCD Random Number 2

Chosen by fair dice roll.
Guaranteed to be random.