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(ぬいぐるみアート) (English: "stuffed animal art") is an esoteric programming language made out of plushies.
Archie (Pink axolotl) is the print function.
The pink cheetahs are the memory slot.
Pippin (Rainbow Pumpkin) is the input function.
Chicken is the storer of the value of the memory slot.
When you put one pink cheetah in front of Pippin, the input is stored.
Lomo (Green Axololotl) is a special plushie. When you put it infront of a command, it only runs the command when the pink cheetah is equal to Monica (purple axolotl).(cmp x, l; jne label;
Every small plushie except the pink cheetahs and Burger can be used as values.
I found a third pink cheetah and Autumn (Black Cat). Autumn is an adder. You put 2 value-small-plushies together (one of them can be a Pink Cheetah)(which calls x and y), and it gets saved to Burger(z, which equals to x+y). Rainbow Doggo (Rainbow Dog) is an infinite loop.

This asks for the user input, and prints it through Archie.
x = input() print(x)
Truth machine

This asks for user input, and if it is Monica, than Archie prints a Monica.
x = input() y = 1 if x == y: print(y)
Hello World

This uses Mexica (Italian-looking food plushie) to represent Hello World, and uses Archie to print.
st = "Hello, world!" print(st)
Logo Script

This is the script from the logo. It appears to store Galaxia into Pink Cheetah using chicken, printing Mexica, and an input that saves to pink cheetah that never gets accessed because Monica is nowhere in the script.
# I don't know how to use pseudo code to express it. ----PSTF
Programs using Extended Syntax
Better Truth Machine

Uses Rainbow Doggo to loop printing Monica.
x = input() y = 1 if x == y: while True: print(y)

Adds your input to Galaxia and prints it.
x = int(input()) y = 10 + x print(y)
Text format
I have made a text format... Notes: There can only be one of each plushie, except for Pink Cheetah, where there can be 3
Cat in text
Archie>PinkCheetah Pippin|PinkCheetah
Truth machine... I guess? in text
Archie>PinkCheetah|Lomo Pippin|PinkCheetah
Hello World in text
A+B Problem...? in text
I used my pseudo code format.
input|pinkcheetah1, pinkcheetah2 burger=Add(pinkcheetah1, pinkcheetah2) print>burger
Suggest some
Just put the text format on the talk page. Note: I might reject it if it is impossible, and I might use a different small plushie because I don't have all of the small plushies.
Try to implement the text version of this esolang instead
See below