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Designed by User:Ractangle
Appeared in 2024
Computational class Unknown
Reference implementation Unimplemented
File extension(s) None

(officially called as "Signs" or you can call it by the symbol name "Circled times symbol" but i still recommend calling it "Signs") is a esoteric programming language created by Ractangle where road signs in post-Soviet states or just road signs in general are used as codes


Command Meaning
Priority road Begin code.
End of priority road End code.
Give way if/else/else if function.
Roundabout Used as a Give way action command.
Exit to a one-way road Return back to the main code.
End of one-way road Creates a function or a variable (To make a variable type .variable next to your variable name).
Rider path Edits a variable.
Built-up area begins Executes a function.
Do not enter The interpreter will ignore the following characters in the line.
No stopping Go to statement. Stops when a condition is meet.
Built-up area String.
Locality Strings with variables.
Parking Print.
Traffic signals Input.
Stop Used to stop the No stopping command
Expressway Math command.


This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
Error Meaning
"No priority input" The code "Priority road" needs to be written at the beginning of the code
"No priority output" The code "End of priority road" needs to be written at the end of the code
"No entry" The line you've entered doesn't exist
"Roundabout ahead" The line you've entered is the same line as No stopping
"End of paved road" There is no "Exit to a one-way road" command inside the "End of one-way road"


It's kind of hard to write non-basic programs without an interpreter.

Also Signs has two mods of code writing. You can either do this:

1 Priority road
2 Parking locality begins 'Hello World'
3 End of priority road

or this:

Priority road
Parking locality begins 'Hello World'
End of priority road.

I still recomend to use the numberd lines version to use the No stopping faster

Also Signs can still count this:

ParKiNG LoCaLIty BegINS 'Hello World'

as a Signs code. But don't do this

Hello World

Priority road
Parking locality begins 'Hello World'
End of priority road


Priority road
End of one-way road x.variable
Traffic signals
Exit to a one-way road
Give way x is 0m
Roundabout parking locality begins '0'
Give way x is 1m
Roundabout parking locality begins '1'
No stopping 7
End of priority road

99 bottles of beer

Priority road
End of one-way road n.variable
Exit to a one-way road
Parking locality '{n} bottles of beer on the wall,'
Parking locality '{n} bottles of beer.'
Parking locality 'Take one down, pass it around,'
Rider path {n}
Expressway n subtract 1
Parking locality '{n} bottles of beer on the wall,'
No stopping 5 Stop Give way n is 1
Parking built-up area 'No bottles of beer on the wall,'
Parking built-up area 'No bottles of beer.'
Parking built-up area 'Go to the store, buy some more,'
Parking built-up area '99 bottles of beer on the wall.'
End of priority road

Cat program

Priority road
End of one-way road input.variable
Traffic signals built-up area 'input'
Exit to a one-way road
Parking locality '{input}'
End of priority road

A+B Problem

Priority road
End of one-way road num.variable
Traffic signals
Exit to a one-way road
End of one-way road num2.variable
Traffic signals
Exit to a one-way road
End of one-way road num.variable
Expressway num plus num2
Exit to a one-way road
End of priority road

Deadfish Implementation

Priority road
End of one-way road ac.variable
Exit to a one-way road
End of one-way road ts.variable
Trafic signals
Exit to a one-way road
Give way ts is 1m
Roundabout Rider path ac
Expressway ac plus 1
Give way ts is 2m
Roundabout Rider path ac
Expressway ac minus 1
Give way ts is 3m
Roundabout Rider path ac
Expressway ac multiply ac
Give way ts is 4m
Roundabout Parking locality '{ac}'
Give way ac is 256m or -1m
Roundabout Rider path ac
No stopping 6
End of priority road


Of the esolang

There aren't any compilers/interpriters for this language yet. Contact Me (User: Ractangle) in discord if you want to make an interpreter/compiler for the language (belarusiangflag/thevitebskman)

Interpreting other esolangs

due to limitations with the give way command. you can only make SOME of the esolangs

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