- The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually
is a joke language which is similar to C++, but more compliacted. You can simply call this language integral from zero to ten of C to the power of two plus three multiplied by C and add two which the variable is C, or IFZTTOCTTPOTPTMBCAATWTVIC for short, or IFZ2TOC2TPOTPTMBC2ATWTVIC.
And, everyone knows that equals to 1750/3.
Every character in the original C++ is changed into a statement in IFZTTOCTTPOTPTMBCAATWTVIC.
And we all know that every char has a unicode code. From all the characters in C++, which are:
- [Space] - 32,! - 33," - 34,# - 35,$ - 36
- % - 37,& - 38,' - 39,( - 40,) - 41
- * - 42,+ - 43,, - 44,- - 45,. - 46
- / - 47,0 - 48,1 - 49,2 - 50,3 - 51
- 4 - 52,5 - 53,6 - 54,7 - 55,8 - 56
- 9 - 57,: - 58,; - 59,< - 60,= - 61
- > - 62,? - 63,@ - 64,A - 65,B - 66
- C - 67,D - 68,E - 69,F - 70,G - 71
- H - 72,I - 73,J - 74,K - 75,L - 76
- M - 77,N - 78,O - 79,P - 80,Q - 81
- R - 82,S - 83,T - 84,U - 85,V - 86
- W - 87,X - 88,Y - 89,Z - 90,[ - 91
- \ - 92,] - 93,^ - 94,_ - 95,` - 96
- a - 97,b - 98,c - 99,d - 100,e - 101
- f - 102,g - 103,h - 104,i - 105,j - 106
- k - 107,l - 108,m - 109,n - 110,o - 111
- p - 112,q - 113,r - 114,s - 115,t - 116
- u - 117,v - 118,w - 119,x - 120,y - 121
- z - 122,{ - 123,| - 124,} - 125,~ - 126
But!!! You can't just replace the original code with these numbers. You need to write them in some strange statements. For example, o(111) should be writen in
Or this
Or this
You need to seperate the statements with a [Space].
Output 'a'
34+1 104+1 110+1 98+1 107+1 116+1 99+1 100+1 61-1 98+1 114+1 115+1 99+1 104+1 110+1 61+1 108+1 96+1 104+1 109+1 41-1 40+1 122+1 111+1 113+1 104+1 109+1 115+1 101+1 41-1 38+1 98-1 40-1 40+1 58+1 53
It can be converted into:
#include<cstdio> main(){printf('a');}
Of course, the code is not the only one.