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↑→↓ pronounced up to down(can be shortened to UTD as ill be writing it on this page) is a esolang invented by User:Yayimhere thats a abstract machine where you create states of 3 different simulated computers who can send their states to each other. each computer runs in order from computer 1 to computer 3.


each computer has a label which is as follows:

label computer
computer 1
computer 2
computer 3

each computer can hold one value which can all be set to something else in a state. all commands that do not set a computers state needs to be in a state


the syntax of UTD

syntax of UTD
instruction description pseudocode
@A[B] set computer A's state to state B A.state() = state.B()
@A/[B][C]/[D][E] if computer A's state is B set its state to C and if its D set the state to E if A.state() == state.B() do A.state() = state.C() elif A.state() == state.D() do A.state() = E.state()
[A]: define state A as all the lines underneath this line until the last indented line in the block of indented lines state.A = lines.below until last.type(indented) in(block.indented)
@A-@B(+)=@C add the value in computer A's value and computer B's value and store it into computer C C.val = B.val + A.val
@A=#B set computer A's value to the value B A.val = B
@A[B]! loop B as long as computer A's value is non 0 while A.val != 0 do B
@A:- negate computer A's value A.val = A.val * -1
; print all the computer values as ascii chars print(chr(↑.val, →.val, ↓.val))
: print all the computer values as numbers print(↑.val, →.val, ↓.val)
,@A set computer A's value to user input(number) A.val = input()
@A[] represnts the state of computer A A.state


