ℵ₀ Bytes ^_^

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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

ℵ₀ Bytes ^_^ is designed by PrySigneToFry. You can add your own commands here. Welcome to Aleph Playground!

Command Table

Command Table
ℵ₀ Bytes ^_^ Meaning After Operation
H Print "Hello, world!". (Screen) Hello, world!
9 Print the lyrics to 99 bottles of beer. (Screen) 99 bottles of beer
@ A+B Problem. (Do) A+B Problem
Change language to 中文. 示例
P Change language to Python. 示例
B Change language to Brainfuck. 示例
F Change language to Free Esolang. 示例
¶========================== Boundary of this Esolang and others. 示例
Generates a Random Number and then push it into stack. (stack)[X, Y]→[X, Y, A]
! Pop the top element from stack. (stack)[X]→[]
`NUMBER` Push the NUMBER into stack. (stack)[]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push A+B. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push A-B. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push A×B. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push A÷B. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push A%B. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
Pop A and B, then push AB. (stack)[X, X]→[X]
☞(index) Pop the index-th element from stack. (stack)[X, I, X]→[X, X]
の{Language}"Script" Do the Script with Language. 示例
Move to (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) in 20-Dimensional Space. 示例
Fork the program. 示例
[Script] Do the script until the top element of stack is 0. 示例
" Once the double quotes are encountered, collect all the characters that are located between the two double quotes and push their Unicode values into the stack. (stack)[]→[X, ...]
Reverse whole stack. (stack)[A, B, C, D]→[D, C, B, A]
F**k up whole stack. (stack)[A, B, C, D]→[]
Generate a random float between 0 and 1, and then push it into stack. (stack)[]→[X]
. Pop the top element from the stack and print it as a character. (stack)[X, X]→[X]////(screen)X
, Get the character and then push it into stack. (stack)[]→[X]
: Pop the top element from the stack and print it as a number. (stack)[X]→[]
\ Get the Number and then push it into stack. (stack)[]→[X]
Swap the top two elements of the stack. (stack)[X, Y, Z]→[X, Z, Y]
Increases the top element of the stack. (stack)[X]→[X]
Decreases the top element of the stack. (stack)[X]→[X]
puts the stack in N-bonacci order. so for a number N we index it based on how large its division is(if we divide all the numbers in the sequence up to the N-th number). 示例
[A]⟖⟗⟕[B] replaces all instances of A with B (stack)[A, B, A]→[B, B, B]
project the stack onto a 2d grid. each block is positioned by (stack_pos, numercial_pos). then you go on like that for all objects in the stack (numbers)[A<B, A>T, T<B](stack)[A,T,B,B,A]→(2d coords)[A(2,1), T(0,0), B(3, 2), B(4, 2), A(5, 1)]
<,>,V,^ moves pointer around on the 2d stack grid (2d coords)[{A(2,1)}, T(0,0), B(3, 2), B(4, 2), A(5, 1)]→(>)(2d coords)[A(2,1), T(0,0), B(3, 2), B(4, 2), {A(5, 1)}]
☞(index)⌥(command) use command on index-th number in stack (stack)[X, I, X]→(command_input)[I]→[X,I,X]

All commands end with a semicolon.


Hello, world!


And readable version:

"Hello, world!";

A+B Problem


99 bottles of beer



