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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Твердою or in english: solid is a esolang made by User:Yayimhere where its NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to modify data. the data is very "solid". it also 2d for some reason??


simply there are some rules:

  • all numbers for address access must exist in the same address
  • numbers for actual use must also exist in this address
  • the ... should only be used if the structure repeats. else it just gives the last operation before it came same again and again. whats at the end is the ocre that where used and what part of it was being used for infinity and the number it was meant to be. this number is not cared about if in memory. unless it is address space


you start by defining the memory:

addr(name of addr): [base64 numbers separeted by ⨳]


addr(one): [AQ==⨳]

rules for 2D

the following table shows what things do what for the sake of connecting things in 2d

Caption text
symbol name description
vertical wire send number vertically
- horizontal wire bring number horizontally
+ crossin move signal at angels

two things that go horizontal connect to things on same line and is next to it. and for vertical its the same but with collumns and next to it in the vertical sense

non modifying cores

these cores do not modify data(we will wait for dat when you are ready for those terrors)

number core

to reference a number in a address you write:

⌬-⨊addr name
⨋number of ⨳'s before this number

these can be swapped but the symbols is what matters so for our example it would be:

addr(one): [AQ==⨳CQ==⨳...]
| |

because that every number in Твердою has to exist in memory this structure "would" continue forever. BUT the ... makes the program know(for this structure only) that its infinite in size. the ⌬ is the core. this symbol is what determines what this function will do. also the ... in address space means that now the addres has all numbers. 1 is at the front then comes 0 then the rest of the number line(so 2, 3, 4...)

print core

now if we want to print it instead we replace the first ⌬ with a ⌦ so:

addr(one): [AQ==⨳CQ==⨳...]
| |

this simply prints 1. or it prints it in base 64.

normal print core

if we want it to become the actual number 1 you would need to use the ☭ core. and its more complicated. yaaaaaaaaaaay.

addr(one): [Cg==⨳AQ==⨳CQ==⨳...]
| |
| |

the part above is the base you want to print it in

ascii print core

is print core but for ascii

addr(one): [AQ==⨳CQ==⨳...]
| |
this would print: SOH as that's what it is on the ascii table(its not a char but a operation btw)

modifying cores

let the horror begin

modify @place + core

modify a already existing number with +

and here i stop cuz its still in work and im tired -_-zzzzz