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IDEA:a language whose core function makes unnecessary amount of forks and the challenge is making sure it doesnt crash your machine due to RAM overload.

if i'm going to make a multi-threaded language it's going to need

  • a way to desynchronise and synchronise threads (2 ops).✓
  • a way for threads to communicate (2 ops).✓
  • i need to decide on a form of data storage.
  • a way to operate data reversibly (2 ops if unlimited. 1 if limited but owerflows.).
  • conditionals (1 op).✓
  • loops/halts (1 op).✓

ψ or Devilforks is a language created by User:.yazic

the root program is called Higher Daemon

the created subroutines are called Imps

Caption text
Code Operation
` Broadcast A on signal B. Listen for signal A and put it in B.
+ Increment A.
ψ subtract A from B. if A !> B fork current Block twice
[ Open Block. If A = B jump past matching ]
] Close Block. If A != B jump back to matching [

TODO: make this make sense!