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``` is a extremely minimalistic programming language. It operates on cells, which can store unbounded numbers.
There is only a single command, but that command have multiple forms.

Form What it does
`a`#b Store the number b in cell a.
`a`b Copy cell b into cell a.
``a`#b Store the number b into the address that cell a points to.
``a#b`#c Store the number c in the address cell a points to offset by b.
``a`b`#c Store the number c in the address cell a points to offset by the contents of cell b.
`a``b Fetch the value the address that cell b points to and store it in cell a
`a``b#c Fetch the value the address that cell b points to, offset by c, and store it in cell a
`a``b`c Fetch the value the address that cell b points to, offset by the value in cell c and store it in cell a
``a`b Store the value in cell b into the address cell a points to.
``a#b`c Store the value in cell c into the address cell a points to, offset by b.
``a`b`c Store the value in cell c into the address cell a points to, offset by the contents of cell b.

In order to do control flow, cell 0 holds the instruction pointer. If cell 1 is nonzero then no instructions, except those that affect cell 1, are excecuted. Cell 3 is input mode. 0=Output 1=Input Cell 4-24 is bits set to perform I/O.(full range unicode) Cell 2 is to enable I/O. Writing a nonzero values will perform I/O then set cell 2 to 0 again.