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Designed by PSTF
Appeared in 2024
Computational class , High-level, Pseudonatural
Reference implementation Unimplemented
File extension(s) .english, .engl, .txt, .text

^English was designed by PSTF. It is more visual script.


You must write the corresponding algorithm according to the program description, not the code, but the algorithm description.


Hello, world!

Print "Hello, world!" to screen, without newline.

A+B Problem

Input two integer from user, and then print their sum.


Print the numbers from 1 to 1000. For any number n, there is: 
If n mod 3 = 0, print "Fizz".
If n mod 5 = 0, print "Buzz".
But, if n is a multiple both of 3 and 5 (that is, n mod 15 = 0), print "FizzBuzz".
Otherwise, print the value of n.

Guessing Number

Generate a random integer from -50 to 50, and assign it to answer.
Read a integer from user and assign it to a. "Please input: " will be the prompt.
If a is greater than 0 then do these code forever:
Read a integer from user and assign it to b. "Please input: " will be the prompt.
If b = answer then print "That's it! Will you play again?", input a character from user.
If this character is "Y", then jump to the start of program, and clear the screen.
If this character is "N", then print "Thank you for playing!" and then break out the loop.
If b > answer then print "Too big! Try again: ", and decreases a.
If b < answer then print "Too small! Try again: ", and decreases a.


Print the source code of this program.

Unicode 6.0 all character (from Bilibili)

Open https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Xh411U7Do/?spm_id_from=333.788 on the computer as any IE.

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