+ is HQ9+ with two differences: there are no "H", "Q", or "9" instructions, and all characters that are not + are explicitly ignored.
Unlike some languages, + is relatively simple to learn, even for non-programmers. It has only one instruction, +
, which increments the program's accumulator. All others are ignored.
Increment the accumulator once:
Increment it five times:
Wow, what a useful language!
Computational class
+ is a push-down automaton, as the +
instruction simulates pushing to a stack. The initial state can also be a halt state, and the only state, and a +
instruction can loop back to the initial/halt/only state, pushing a value to the stack as it does so.
60 bytes
my$r=$ARGV[0];open my$z,'<',$r or die$!;my$c=()=<$z>=~/\+/g;
17 bytes, 12 characters
Reads program from given file name.
local args = {...} local file = io.open(args[1],"r") local counter = 0 while true do local nLine = file:lines()() if not nLine then break end if string.find(nLine,"+") then local _, count = string.gsub(nLine,"+","+") counter = counter + count end end file:close()
Shorter, less… stupid. Reads program from input.
local counter = 0 repeat local c = io.read(1) if c == '+' then counter = counter + 1 end until not c
Even shorter. Requires input to terminate before execution starts. Entire program is stored in memory, so beware long programs.
local counter = #io.read("*a"):gsub("[^%+]","")
Reads code from input
>i:01-=?v00. v &0r+1< >:"+"=?!v&1v ^ ~;!?:<&+<
A second version
0&01. >i:0(?;"+"=?v ^ &+1&<
Python 3
a = 0 c = input() for char in c: a += 1 if char == "+" else 0
The one-liner:
(a:=0,[a:=a+(_=='+')for _ in input()])
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 0; string s; getline(cin, s); for(int pstf = 0; pstf < s.length(); pstf++) { if(s[pstf] == '+') i++; } cout << i; return 0; }