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%^2^-1 is an esoteric that relies on using just three main operators: Square the accumulator, take the reciprocal of the accumulator, and divide the accumulator by 100, along with more commands for functional output.


So this started as this funny thing I do on my calculator where I just insert those keys with the starting accumulator value of one. Then I try to get a specific magnitude. This esoteric is made to be that way where text is outputted that way. It was also heavily inspired by Deadfish but made to be harder is the weirdest way possible. The commands are also made to be nothing correlated with the function, but rather to spell out "simplen't".


Text Function
s Divide accumulator by 100
i Divide accumulator by 1000 (this allows for the other set of ASCII chars to be printed)
m Square accumulator
p Reciprocate accumulator
l Output accumulator's magnitude as number
e Output accumulator's magnitude as ASCII character
n Get one ASCII character of input and store into the accumulator as 10^(ASCII value)
' Set Accumulator to 1
t Restart program is the magnitude of accumulator isn't zero, takes effect when reached

The accumulator also resets the accumulator to one if the magnitude of the number in accumulator is greater than 3003. With the accumulator, again, starting at one always.

Magnitude also just stands for the power of 10 it is. it will always be just 10x, where x is magnitude Also, ones who are making interpreters should just find a workaround for making the thing not use really large numbers for big magnitudes


The whole language done is zero seconds, AGAIN

Hello World

Output in all lowercase.



Why did you copy me?????



1 2 3 4 5 6 ... Yea that kind



A C++ interpreter by User:Bangyen.