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This is a language based on !@$%^&*()+.
Because the creator, User:Xyzzy, did not have much time (he's still in school), he only left us with a text file for us to parse.
Here's the text file. ALL OF IT.

In addition to the stack, an artificial memory is present. This behaves like normal memory except that each cell contains a number instead of a byte.
~ bitwise not
` implementation dependent
! pops and output as number on stack
@ implementation dependent
# implementation dependent
$ bitwise xor
% double top of stack
^ manipulate: pops a number, and pushes the nth item on stack to top. if n is negative, pop the previously pushed stack element 
& bitwise and
* multiplication
( if top of stack is zero goto matching ). pops top of stack.
) if top of stack is nonzero goto maching (. pops top of stack.
- subtraction (2nd on stack minus 1st on stack)
_ increment
+ addition
= push 1 if top of stack is 0, 0 otherwise.
[ like ( but if nonzero
] like ) but if zero
\ exit from loop
{ push code pointer to stack
} pop and set code pointer to top of stack
| bitwise or
: pop [addr], then push value at [addr] (MEMORY)
; pop [number] then pop [addr], set [addr] to [number] (MEMORY)
*NOTE FOR : AND ;* if [addr] is out of bounds, then the program halts. DO NOT MESS UP YOUR POINTERS
" implementation dependent
' implementation dependent
< push 1 if top of stack is larger than 0, 0 otherwise.
> push 1 if top of stack is smaller than 0, 0 otherwise.
? pushes input as number onto stack
, pushes input as char onto stack
. pop and output as char
/ floored divison (2nd on stack divided by 1st on stack)