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!() is a esolang where what a command does changes based on the cell its on. it was made by User:Yayimhere


memory is stored in a 5 cell tape with unbounded integers. its circular and one cell (the thith) holds a symbol instead of a number that can be changed based off a 1 state turing machine. the cell has an unbounded string


the rules generated for cell 5 will always be applied

Caption text
command cell 1 cell 2 cell 3 cell 4 cell 5
+ increment the cell by 1 decrement the cell by 1 if the current cell is non 0. if it is 0 jump to next + and go to the left cell flip the most and least significant bit of the current cell divide it by 6 and round it up if equal to following symbol jump to the cell left of it else jump to the cell right of it
- if the current cell is non 0 set it to the cell to the right, else do nothing increment by 1 if 0 decrement current cell by 1 halt the program jump back 10 chars in code if not set to the following symbol
> store 1 into the cell go left on the tape NOP flip all the bits in the cell if the current cell is equal following symbol set to the symbol before the command
< go left on tape same same same go right on the tape
[...] loop unless current cell is 0 same same same go left on tape
# output all the cells as numbers output all the cells as ascii chars make the program total. this will force the program to terminate. gives errorif holds [] go right output the cell
( output the following char twice loop all the following code until not on cell 2 anymore Example Example set the cell to )
) loop the following code forever increment the current cell by the following number(can be negative by starting with a ,) same same set the cell to hello, world!


hello, world!:


Quine and Palindrome:
