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Zyzzogeton is both an Esoteric programming language is also the last entry word in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Zyzzogeton is a 3D Esolang, most of the time though it's 2D. Also created by User:Buckets in 2021.

Commands Instructions
0-9 Pushes 0-9 on top of the stack.
` Turn left 45 degrees.
] Turn right 45 degrees.
+ Go forwards 1 cell.
! Go forwards continually until another command.
@ If = 1, turn 135 degrees to the right else, turn 225 degrees to the right.
- Pops off the top of the stack and print it in ASCII.
# Adds top two values.
' Subtracts top two values. (Bottom - Top)
= Multiplies top two values.
$ Divides to two values. (Top / Bottom)
" Take the respect to the Top value. (Bottom Mod Top)
/ Duplicate Top value.
% Noop.
: Move the top Value to the 2nd bottom placement.
_ Delete top value.
^ Move the Bottom Value to the 2nd Top placement.
; Starting point, It starts at the direction right.
Ignore next Command.
& Ignore Previous Command, thus creating an alternate timeline where everything is the same except for the previous Command being ignored and also at the same time this Command will be destroyed in the other timeline.
, Push Input Value to the top of the stack.
£ Halting point.
* Go up 1 timeline.
? Go down 1 timeline.
¥ Delete this current timeline's pointer.
( Turn 180 degrees only once, even in other timelines.
) Turn 90 degrees to the right if in nearest original timeline else, turn 90 degrees to the left.
Destroy current timeline.

"Hello, World!" Program:


Truth-machine Program:


Cat program:


Division program:
