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Yee is an esoteric programming language based off of the yee dinasour meme.


bah - cell 1
bah bah - cell 2
bah bah bah - cell 3
baah - before "Ye..." (if no "bah"s are before it, use cell of last command)
B(a=0,h=1) - replaces "baah" and sets current cell to binary number.  (Ye... after it is nop)
Yie - (nop)
Ye - +
Yee - -
Yeee - .
Yeeee - ,
Yeeeee - [
Yeeeeee - ]
Yeeeeeee... - (nop)


bah baah Yie
Bahaahaaa Yee
baah Yeee
baah Ye
baah Yeee