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XOR is an esoteric programing language that was created by User:Brain Boy 53. XOR is inspired by FALSE, and just as FALSE is the creator's favorite truth value, XOR is the creator's favorite logic gate.


Declaring Variables

There are 3 types of variables; integers, characters, and strings. To declare an integer, you type: i|c|s"variable_name" Ex:


This creates a variable integer calles "int" To declare a character or string, you substitute the "i" with a "c" for characters, or an "s" for strings. Something to note, variable names can't contain any whitespace, any of the following characters: " _ $ .

Setting variable values

To set a variable's value, you use a capital I for integers, capital C for characters, and a capital S for strings. The syntax is: I|C|S.variable_name.value_to_set_to_variable_to The value of an integer is an integer, the value of a character is the ascii value of the character, and the value of a string is a string. Strings cannot contain any whitespace, or any of the following characters: " _ $ . Ex:

c"char" C.char.65

This declares and sets the variable "char" to the letter "A".



To output a variable, you use the "p" command. The syntax is: p_i|c|s_variable_name Ex:

s"hi" S.hi.Hello p_s_hi

This sets a string variable, "hi", sets it to the string, "Hello", and outputs it.


To take input and store it is a variable, you do the same thing as output, but instead of "p", you write "u".

Arithmetic and Logic

To perform an operation, you type this: a|b|m|v|d|n|r|x.first_variable.second_variable.third_variable The result of the first variable operation second variable is stored into the third variable. The operations are as follows:

Letter in XOR Name of operation Symbol Example Result
a addition + a.a.b.c a+b
b subtraction - s.a.b.c a-b
m multiplication * m.a.b.c a*b
v division / v.a.b.c a/b
d modulo % d.a.b.c a%b
n and & n.a.b.c a&b
r or | r.a.b.c a|b
x xor ^ x.a.b.c a^b

There is also a not function that is used thusly: t.first_variable.second_variable If the first variable is a 0, the second variable gets set to 1, else, it gets set to 0.

Flow Control

There is only one way to have flow control, and that is using the "f" command. The syntax for it is: f$variable_one$variable_two$variable_three$variable_four This checks to see if the first two variables are equal, and if they are, jump variable_three + 1 spaces forward, if not, jump variable_four + 1 spaces forward.

Ending the program

Type "e" to end the program. This is not nessessary, but can be useful if you are using the "f" command.

Example programs

Hello World

s"h" c"s" s"w" S.h.Hello, C.s.32 S.w.World! p_s_h p_c_s p_s_w

This makes three variables and outputs them in a row. Since XOR doesn't allow whitespace characters in strings, the space has to be stored as a character.


s"t" u_s_t p_s_t

This makes a variable, asks the user for input, and outputs it.


i"a" i"b" i"c" u_i_a I.b.2 d.a.b.c p_i_c

This outputs a 1 if the input is odd, and a 0 if the input is even.


i"a" i"b" i"c" u_i_a u_i_b a.a.b.c p_i_c

This takes two inputs and add them and outputs the sum.

Equality Checker

i"a" i"b" i"c" i"d" s"e" s"f" u_i_a u_i_b I.c.0 I.d.1 S.e.== S.f.!= f$a$b$c$d p_s_e f$a$b$d$c p_s_f e

This gets two inputs and outputs "==" if the inputs are equal, and "!=" if the outputs are different.

i"a" i"b" i"c" i"d" s"e" s"f" u_i_a u_i_b I.c.0 I.d.2 S.e.== S.f.!= f$a$b$c$d p_s_e e p_s_f e

This is another variation making use of only one "f" command.

Infinite Loop

i"a" i"b" I.a.1 I.b.-1 f$a$a$b$b

This gets the program stuck in an infinite loop.

99 Bottles of Beer

i"bottles" I.bottles.99 i"0" I.0.0 i"b" I.b.-49 i"f" I.f.0 c"space" C.space.32 c"newline" C.newline.10 s"text1" S.text1.bottles s"text2" S.text2.of s"text3" S.text3.beer s"text4" S.text4.on s"text5" S.text5.the s"text6" S.text6.wall, s"text7" S.text7.beer! s"text8" S.text8.One s"text9" S.text9.fell s"text10" S.text10.down, s"text11" S.text11.pass s"text12" S.text12.it s"text13" S.text13.around, s"text14" S.text14.wall! i"1" I.1.1 p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text3 p_c_space p_s_text4 p_c_space p_s_text5 p_c_space p_s_text6 p_c_newline p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text7 p_c_newline p_s_text8 p_c_space p_s_text9 p_c_space p_s_text10 p_c_newline p_s_text11 p_c_space p_s_text12 p_c_space p_s_text13 p_c_newline b.bottles.1.bottles p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text3 p_c_space p_s_text4 p_c_space p_s_text5 p_c_space p_s_text14 f$bottles$0$f$b

(Retyped so you can see it: i"bottles" I.bottles.99 i"0" I.0.0 i"b" I.b.-49 i"f" I.f.0 c"space" C.space.32 c"newline" C.newline.10 s"text1" S.text1.bottles s"text2" S.text2.of s"text3" S.text3.beer s"text4" S.text4.on s"text5" S.text5.the s"text6" S.text6.wall, s"text7" S.text7.beer! s"text8" S.text8.One s"text9" S.text9.fell s"text10" S.text10.down, s"text11" S.text11.pass s"text12" S.text12.it s"text13" S.text13.around, s"text14" S.text14.wall! i"1" I.1.1 p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text3 p_c_space p_s_text4 p_c_space p_s_text5 p_c_space p_s_text6 p_c_newline p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text7 p_c_newline p_s_text8 p_c_space p_s_text9 p_c_space p_s_text10 p_c_newline p_s_text11 p_c_space p_s_text12 p_c_space p_s_text13 p_c_newline b.bottles.1.bottles p_i_bottles p_c_space p_s_text1 p_c_space p_s_text2 p_c_space p_s_text3 p_c_space p_s_text4 p_c_space p_s_text5 p_c_space p_s_text14 f$bottles$0$f$b) It does not work. And I do not know why.

External Resources

XOR interpreter on replit. (in python).