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WrongFuck is brainfuck, but wrong.


It runs off of the same brainfuck tape and pointer. All instructions are ran the same way.

Translation from brainfuck

brainfuck WrongFuck
+ >
- <
> ]
< [
[ ,
] .
. +
, -

Example programs

I didn't do any long programs because I'm lazy

Cat program






The following implements a truth-machine tantamount to the brainfuck ,.[-->+[>>]<[.]<<] program:



The following routines, implemented in Common Lisp, apply themselves to the conversion betwixt WrongFuck and brainfuck:

(deftype destination ()
  "The ``destination`` type defines a sink for output operations, the
   circumference of which amplects, without the claim of the
   contingency's exhaustion, the functions ``format`` and
  '(or null (eql T) stream string))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------

(defun translate-brainfuck-to-WrongFuck (brainfuck-code
                                         &optional (destination NIL))
  "Transliterates the BRAINFUCK-CODE to the equivalent WrongFuck
   program, writes the resulting code to the DESTINATION, and returns
   for a non-``NIL`` DESTINATION the ``NIL`` value; otherwise produces
   and responds with a fresh string comprehending the output."
  (declare (type string      brainfuck-code))
  (declare (type destination destination))
  (the (or null string)
    (if destination
      (flet ((write-WrongFuck-command (wrongFuck-token)
              "Writes the WRONGFUCK-TOKEN to the DESTINATION and returns
               no value."
              (declare (type character wrongFuck-token))
              (format destination "~c" wrongFuck-token)
          for brainfuck-token of-type character across brainfuck-code
            (case brainfuck-token
              (#\+       (write-WrongFuck-command #\>))
              (#\-       (write-WrongFuck-command #\<))
              (#\>       (write-WrongFuck-command #\]))
              (#\<       (write-WrongFuck-command #\[))
              (#\[       (write-WrongFuck-command #\,))
              (#\]       (write-WrongFuck-command #\.))
              (#\.       (write-WrongFuck-command #\+))
              (#\,       (write-WrongFuck-command #\-))
              (otherwise NIL))))
      (with-output-to-string (output)
        (declare (type string-stream output))
        (translate-brainfuck-to-WrongFuck brainfuck-code output)))))

;;; -------------------------------------------------------

(defun translate-WrongFuck-to-brainfuck (wrongFuck-code
                                         &optional (destination NIL))
  "Transliterates the piece of WRONGFUCK-CODE to its brainfuck
   equivalent, writes the resulting program to the DESTINATION, and
   returns for a non-``NIL`` DESTINATION the ``NIL`` value; otherwise,
   for a ``NIL`` DESTINATION, responds with a fresh string comprehending
   the output."
  (declare (type string      wrongFuck-code))
  (declare (type destination destination))
  (the (or null string)
    (if destination
      (flet ((write-brainfuck-command (brainfuck-token)
              "Writes the BRAINFUCK-TOKEN to the DESTINATION and returns
               no value."
              (declare (type character brainfuck-token))
              (format destination "~c" brainfuck-token)
          for wrongFuck-token of-type character across wrongFuck-code
            (case wrongFuck-token
              (#\>       (write-brainfuck-command #\+))
              (#\<       (write-brainfuck-command #\-))
              (#\]       (write-brainfuck-command #\>))
              (#\[       (write-brainfuck-command #\<))
              (#\,       (write-brainfuck-command #\[))
              (#\.       (write-brainfuck-command #\]))
              (#\+       (write-brainfuck-command #\.))
              (#\-       (write-brainfuck-command #\,))
              (otherwise NIL))))
      (with-output-to-string (output)
        (declare (type string-stream output))
        (translate-WrongFuck-to-brainfuck wrongFuck-code output)))))