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Windows is a programming language that uses windows like Google x: to code
Example x: LINK EX2 ] EX2 x: Hi GOBACK ] comments: Example links to EX2 that means if the user opened example, it would do the stuff in it, LINK is the goto command which goes to a different window, use REDIRECT to instantly do that, use GOBACK to go back, if there is no keyword behind it, it prints it, when it reaches ], the program does GOBACK, if there is no more places to go back to, it halts the program
User actions
HELLO x: Hello ] USER: open HELLO wait comments: open [window] opens a window wait waits a step close [window] closes a window click clicks maybe [DO] maybe do do or maybe do wait look look at the screen if saw [text]: [do] ] if saw text in this step, do do or: [do] ] if after a maybe command, do this when the maybe doesn't run, if after an if, do this when the if doesn't run if user: [do] ] if the user of this program, not the USER: part, clicks, then run [do] user commands take first presence, then window commands
More window commands
STORE [text] IN [window] store the text in the window GETDATA get the data in this window IF CLICK: [DO] ] if user clicks at this command, do do IF [val] IS [text]: [DO] ] if val is text, do do SHOW [text] show text HIDE [text] hide text CLOSE [window] closes window DOWNLOAD [text] INTO [file] puts text in a file UPLOAD TEXT FROM [file] returns text from a file
Clickorelse x: IF CLICK: CLOSE [Clickorelse] ] DOWNLOAD you got a virus INTO virus ] USER: open Clickorelse maybe click comments: this will give you virus if you do not click immediately