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W.W.E (World's Worst Esolang) is a programming language created by User:TheCanon2 that can only do popular problems.
W.W.E programs are read in nibbles. W.W.E has 15 commands.
Opcode | Symbol | Action |
0000 | h | Prints "Hello, World!" |
0001 | 9 | Prints the lyrics to the "99 bottles of beer" song |
0010 | q | Prints the program's source code |
0011 | f | Prints the Fibonacci numbers |
0100 | ! | Prints the factorial of the input |
0101 | e | Prints all even numbers between 0 and the input |
0110 | c | Prints the input |
0111 | d | Prints the digital root of the input |
1000 | i | Interprets the input as Deadfish |
1001 | r | Prints the ROT13 of the input text |
1010 | p | Prints the value of pi |
1011 | t | Prints "0" and halt if the input is 0, or prints "1" indefinitely if the input is 1 |
1100 | 5 | Prints the Fizzbuzz for values 1 to 100 |
1101 | 0 | Makes an infinite loop |
1110 | l | Counts from 0 to the input |
1111 | * | Crashes the interpreter |
Deadfish interpreter
In hex:
Unrelatedly prints the value of pi as well.
In hex:
The following Python script is an interpreter.
wwe = input('>wwe ') wwe = ''.join(format(ord(i), '08b') for i in wwe) import math for inst in range(0, len(wwe) // 4): cmd = [wwe[4*inst], wwe[4*inst+1], wwe[4*inst+2], wwe[4*inst+3]] cmd = ''.join(cmd) if cmd == "0000": print("Hello, World!") elif cmd == "0001": message = '{0} bottle{1} of beer on the wall.\n{0} bottle{1} of beer.\nTake one down, pass it around\n{2} bottle{3} of beer on the wall.\n' for i in range(99, 0, -1): print(message.format(i, "" if i==1 else "s", i-1 or "No more", "" if i-1==1 else "s")) print("No more bottles of beer on the wall,\nno more bottles of beer.\nGo to the store and buy some more,\n99 bottles of beer on the wall.") elif cmd == "0010": print(''.join(chr(int(wwe[i*8:i*8+8],2)) for i in range(len(wwe)//8))) break elif cmd == "0011": a = 1 b = 1 print(1) print(1) while True: c = b+a print(c) a = b b = c elif cmd == "0100": print(math.factorial(int(input('> ')))) elif cmd == "0101": a = 0 b = int(input('> ')) while a <= b: print(a) a += 2 elif cmd == "0110": print("%s" % input('> ')) elif cmd == "0111": a = int(input('> ')) print((a - 1) % 9 + 1 if a else 0) elif cmd == "1000": x = 0 a = input('> ') for i in range(0, len(a)): if a[i] == "i": x += 1 elif a[i] == "d": x -= 1 elif a[i] == "s": x **= 2 elif a[i] == "o": print(x) if x == -1 or x == 256: x = 0 elif cmd == "1001": import codecs print(codecs.encode(input('> '), 'rot13')) elif cmd == "1010": print(math.pi) elif cmd == "1011": a = input('> ') if a == "0": print(0) break if a == "1": while True: print(1) elif cmd == "1100": for i in range(1, 101): if i % 15 == 0: print("FizzBuzz") elif i % 3 == 0: print("Fizz") elif i % 5 == 0: print("Buzz") else: print(i) elif cmd == "1101": while True: pass elif cmd == "1110": a = int(input('> ')) for i in range(0, a+1): print(i) elif cmd == "1111": print(1 // 0)