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V3i, an abbreviation for Variable 3 Input, is an esoteric programming language created by BowlingPizzaBall which has only three variables named x, y, and z.
Despite this, the language is somewhat powerful, having stuff like a wait function and the support for infinite loops.
Function | Definition | Arguments/Examples |
def |
Defines one of the 3 variables. | def <x,y, or z> <varcontent>
var |
Calls one of the 3 variables. | var <x,y, or z>
+ |
Adds 2 numbers. | n+n
- |
Subtracts 2 numbers. | n-n
* |
Gives the product of 2 numbers. | n*n
/ |
Gives the quotient of 2 numbers. | /
sqrt |
Gives the square root of a number. | sqrt n
% |
Gives the mod of 2 numbers. | n%n
= |
Checks if something is equal to something. Returns 1 if so, 0 if not. | 6=4 (returns 0)
> |
Checks if a number is greater than another. Returns 1 if so, 0 if not. | 6>4 (returns 1)
< |
Checks if a number is less than another. Returns 1 if so, 0 if not. | 6<4 (returns 0)
print |
Prints something. | print <"text"/number/variable>
if |
If statement. | if <content> <condition> <content>
else |
Else statement. | else <content>
loop |
Starts a loop. | loop <timesToLoop> <contentToLoop>
iloop |
Starts an infinite loop. | iloop <content to loop>
input |
Halts execution until an input is received from the user. | None |
wait |
Waits for n milliseconds. | wait <ms>
# |
Comment function. | # <comment> #
end |
Ends execution. (optional) | None |
Hello World
print "Hello, World!";
Truth Machine
if input = 0; print "0"; end; else; iloop print "1";
print input;
def x 1; def y 1; print 0; print 1; print 1; iloop; def x x+y; print x; def y y+x; print y;
99 bottles of beer
def x 99; loop 99; if x = 1; print "1 bottle of beer on the wall"; print "1 bottle of beer"; print "Take one down, pass it around"; print "No more bottles of beer on the wall"; else; print x " bottles of beer on the wall"; print x " bottles of beer"; print "Take one down, pass it around"; def x x-1; print x " bottles of beer on the wall";
def x 0; # Simulates the accumulator. # def y ""; # Stores the current user input. # iloop; def y input; if y = "o"; print x; else if y = "i"; def x x+1; else if y = "d"; def x x-1; else if y = "s"; def x x*x; else; print "Invalid command";
Computational class
Language is Turing complete by reduction from Infinite GotoStart with 3 registers.
Program starts with:
def x x+1;
def x x-1;
def x y;
if x=y; abc; xyz; else; xyz;
It will come soon, or at least when I fully understand python and its sys
- Common Lisp implementation of the V3i programming language.