User talk:RainbowDash

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on nope

hello. your work with my esolang is very good. but there is one error(by me) and that is labels are just commands. jump to nearest <command> like this:

store 1 1
jl 1 store 1 1

and with this the interpreter would become this right?:

function nope(inputPrgm){
    // Initialize Variables
    let memorysize = 3000
    let memory = new Array(3000).fill(0);
    inputPrgm = inputPrgm.toLowerCase();
    let words = inputPrgm.split(/[ \n/\\]+/);
    let i = 0;
    while (i < words.length) {
        switch(words[i]) {
            case "no_op":
            case "store":
                memory[words[i+1]] = +words[i+2];
                i += 2
            case "jl":
                if(memory[words[i+1]] <= 0){
                    i = words.indexOf(words[i+2]);
                } else {
                    i += 2
            case "peek":
                i += 1
            case "no:op_add":
                memory[words[i+3]] = memory[words[i+1]] + memory[words[i+2]];
                i += 3

also i would like to ask why is it turing complete? like yes it looks so but is there any proof? --Xff (talk) 14:39, 1 August 2024 (UTC)

Minsky machines probably work if you use MP 0 as a "label" as in:
store 0 0 (label 0)
store 0 1 (label 1)
store 0 2 (label 2)
jl 1 store 0 0 (jump to label 1)
(MP 0 is not used for anything else so it doesn't interfere with the rest of the program)

Then store 1 in MP 1 and store -1 in MP 2 so you can increment and decrement. --PkmnQ (talk) 11:44, 2 August 2024 (UTC)