UserEdited/that long command

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I was in the ConwayLife Discord for a while and now I'm planning to leave it.


Long story short, I was being ostracized for my beliefs. The ConwayLife Lounge server, in my experience, is very, very toxic.

To Moosey: I don’t really care when you want us to refer to you as “they/them” outside your personal server. Why? Two reasons. Firstly, in Modern English, they and them are plural pronouns. For example, we say “they spilled the wine on the floor”. However, you Gen Zed folks are bastardizing the English language to such a point where it becomes acceptable to say “they spilled the wine on the floor” and refer to a singular person. It is almost, if not more unacceptable than saying “it spilled the wine on the floor” while referring to a person. Do we use it/its to refer to a person? Absolutely not in proper Modern English (I am not sure if you Gen Zed people use it/its to refer to a person). Secondly, in animal biology, there are only two genders, male and female. If animals had pronouns, they would refer to themselves as either he/him or she/her. Would a male animal refer to itself as she/her? Absolutely not, unless said animal has a mental disorder. The same goes for humans. As far as I know, you humans are the first Earth species I have seen to artificially change their genders. If we can use this innovative power to do that, why don’t we use this power for something more productive, like going to Mars and setting up a colony there? If you Gen Zed folks are not ruining this Earth, changing your own gender and using linguistically and biologically wrong pronouns, then you humans would be setting up space habitats by now. (Sorry if I sound like an alien from Proxima Centauri.)

The above message in my server caused me to be called transphobic and nb-phobic by the mods of the ConwayLife Lounge. I didn't even bother adding theological arguments in my religion (Christianity). In reality these two words, 'transphobic', and 'nb-phobic' are a crass and extremely inaccurate oversimplification of who I am. In reality, I am neither of these things.

Recently, their anti-Cole activities have increased to the point where Moosey made a comic strip making fun of me. She portrayed me (the way I see it) as a Catholic (given the bishop hat) when I am, in fact, a Methodist. What's even worse, to me, is that at least three other people (DroneBetter, bubblegum, and KittyTac) seemed to approve this comic. The comic is just below this paragraph:

In my opinion, the recently-booted-up #jail system is very bad, and only encourages others to be more toxic, in that the mods can insult the muted users in other channels. This, I believe, is highly unfair.

In addition, bubblegum/sonata has created at least two jokes about the Christian God in the #jail channel:

god, frustrated with the kitchen-related events, furiously goes to take a walk
where even is this "vain" i'm hearing about and why is everyone there so afraid of god's name

And I think it is useless to report these posts (in the Discord) now (due to their nature). Why? Because most of the mods and the admin of the server seem to be anti-Cole (and they most likely might not take my reports seriously).

I would like the mods of the Forums to see this post. The mods of the Discord, to me, seem like immature young adults who may care a thing or two about which pronouns others use for them, but absolutely don't care when another person's religion is insulted by them.