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Cat: ``` @. ```

Factorial: ``` ~!. ```

Truth-machine: ``` ~$.{1=}{1.}# ```

99 bottles of beer: ``` 99:b {;b 2>} { & ;b ." bottles of beer on the wall,".10, ;b ." bottles of beer!".10, "Take one down, and pass it around,".10,

;b 1-$:b . " bottles of beer on the wall!".10$,, }#

"2 bottles of beer on the wall,".10, "2 bottles of beer!".10, "Take one down, and pass it around,".10, "1 bottle of beer on the wall!".10$,,

"1 bottle of beer on the wall,".10, "1 bottle of beer!".10, "Take one down, and pass it around,".10, "No more bottles of beer on the wall!".10$,,

"No more bottles of beer on the wall,".10, "No more bottles of beer!".10, "Go to the store, and buy some more,".10, "99 bottles of beer on the wall!". ```

Nope interpreter: ``` @"Nope.". ```