User:Tommyaweosme/brainfuck scripts

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these are all the misecllanious brainfuck scripts i made (in alphabetical order)

255 pulses


3-digit number to ascii



a - add

b - subtract

only takes single digits


palindrome (almost)


print "Surprise me"

reccomended by my mom

+++++ adds 5
[>++++++++<-]> multiplys by 8 and stores in next cell
+ add 1
[<++>-]< multiplys by 2 and stores in previous cell
+. prints S
[>++<-]> multiplys by 2 and stores in next cell
>+++++ puts 5 in next cell
[>++++++++++<-]> multiplys by 10 and stores in next cell
[<<->>-]<< subtracts 50 from 166 to get 116
+.---.--.++. prints urpr
---------. prints i
++++++++++. prints s
>+++++++[>++<-]> puts 7x2 in two cells to right
[<<->>-]<< subtracts 14 from 115
. prints e
>>++++[<++++++++>-]< puts 32 in next cell
. prints space
<++++++++.--------. prints me

no comments




stereo madness

this prints the first part of stereo madness


tommyaweosme constant (rational or irrational?)
