User:Jan jelo/TC proof to partial recursive function
This article comes from my article in Zhihu.
zero function
(Z x1 x2 x3...) = 0
successor function
(S x) = x+1
((P m n) x1 x2...xn...xm) = xn
function compose
((C f g1 x1 x2...xn) = (f (g1 x1 x2...xn)(g2 x1 x2...xn)...(gm x1 x2...xn))
primitive recursive
((R h g) x1...x_n-1 0) = (h x1...x_n-1) (base case) ((R h g) x1...x_n-1 xn) = (g x1...x_n-1 (xn-1)((R h g) x1...x_n-1 xn-1)) (recursive case)
((M f) x1...xn) = the smallest A that makes (f x1...xn A) equals to 0
additive function
add = (R (P 1 1)(C S (P 3 3)))
predecessor function
pred = (R Z (P 2 1))
subtraction function
sub = (R (P 1 1)(C pred (P 3 3)))
multiplication function
mul = (R Z (C add (P 3 1)(P 3 3)))
test if a number is zero
isZ = (R (C S Z) Z)
test if a number is less than or equal to another number
leq = (C isZ (C sub (P 2 1)(P 2 2)))
if = (C (R (P 2 2)(P 4 1)) (P 3 2)(P 3 3)(P 3 1))
square = (C mul (P 1 1)(P 1 1))
square root
(C (R Z (C if (C leq (C square (C S (P 3 2)))(P 3 1))(C S (P 3 3))(P 3 3))) (P 1 1)(P 1 1))
pairing function
pair = (C if (C leq (P 2 2)(P 2 1))(C add (C square (P 2 1))(P 2 2))(C sub (C add (C square (P 2 2))(C add (P 2 2)(P 2 2)))(P 2 1)))) q = (C add (C square (C sqrt (P 1 1)))(C sqrt (P 1 1))) left = (C if (C leq (C q (P 1 1))(P 1 1))(C sub (C sqrt (P 1 1))(C sub (P 1 1)(C q (P 1 1))))(C sqrt (P 1 1))) right = (C if (C leq (C q (P 1 1))(P 1 1))(C sqrt (P 1 1))(C sub (P 1 1)(C square (C sqrt (P 1 1)))))
eq = (C mul (C leq (P 2 1)(P 2 2))(C leq (P 2 2)(P 2 1)))
for any Minsky machine program,it can be encoded as a partial recursive function. First,encode counter A,counter B and instruction pointer IP as a natural number by using pair function.
build = (C pair (P 3 1)(C pair (P 3 2)(P 3 3)))
Function A,B and IP are used to retrieve the values of corresponding counters,respectively.
A = (C left (C right (P 1 1))) B = (C right (C right (P 1 1))) IP = left
encode the source program into the function next,it takes a natural number encoding the current state of the Minsky machine and return a natural number encoding the next state. for example,if source program is
1 incA 2 2 incB 3 3 decA 4 1 4 incA 5 5 HLT
the corresponding next function is
(C if (C eq (C IP (P 1 1))(C S Z)) (C build (C S (C S Z))(C S (C A (P 1 1)))(C B (P 1 1))) (C if (C eq (C IP (P 1 1))(C S (C S Z))) (C build (C S (C S (C S Z)))(C A (P 1 1))(C S (C B (P 1 1)))) (C if (C eq (C IP (P 1 1))(C S (C S (C S Z)))) (C if (C isZ (C A (P 1 1))) (C build (C S Z)(C A (P 1 1))(C B (P 1 1))) (C build (C S (C S (C S (C S Z))))(C pred (C A (P 1 1)))(C B (P 1 1)))) (C if (C eq (C IP (P 1 1))(C S (C S (C S (C S Z))))) (C build (C S (C S (C S (C S (C S Z)))))(C S (C A (P 1 1)))(C B (P 1 1))) (C build Z (C A (P 1 1))(C B (P 1 1)))))))
then,function F takes a number t,returns a natural number encoding state of t-th step
F = (R (C build (C S Z) Z Z)(C next (P 2 2)))
function isHalt is a predicate,it takes a number encoding the state of the Minsky machine,if the Minsky machine is halting,then returns 0,otherwise it returns a positive integer
isHalt = IP (since we use IP=0 to represent the halt state,function isHalt is function IP)
then,((M (C isHalt F)))
will provide a number of steps taken by the Minsky machine when is halts(if it can halt).
Apply F to this number,it will returns the natural number encoding the final state of the Minsky machine,we can use A and B to get value of counter A and counter B.
For any Minsky machine program,it can be encoded as a partial recursive function,and Minsky machine is Turing complete,so partial recursive function is Turing complete.