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Semi-serious language list

(My other nick: NDusN, due to how some Redcode software display теsт)

The username was originally without meaning, but you can consider it as a recursive acronym, iddi01 dislikes Discord indefinitely.

I'm an expert in uniсode and errology (i know how to make unimaginably long errors from very compact code, although updates to Python limits the possibilities).

I never publish esolangs unless they're unique in some way and i've implemented them (and i encourage everyone else to do that as well!)


I nearly stopped creating esolangs because it's impossible to bring attention to a language by only creating a page on this wiki, and what fun it is to create languages that nobody will ever know of?

Programming games

I am a big fan of programming games ever since i met brainfUck (a.k.a BF joust), which unfortunately almost went dead due to the same reason as Core War, which is that the programs (warriors) are becoming too strong to even think about making for a beginner, and so people will lose interest in it.

And BF joust is the easy one, and i mean easy. The Beginner's hill for Core War is about as easy as the only hill for BF joust. So BF joust should be the game to introduce programming games to beginners.

Everybody, please make more and better beginner resources (including hills) for BF joust and Core War, so that they will become popular once again.

My brainfUck (not bf!) programs

You can get an idea of how these two works by visiting the strategy guide and then scrolling to the bottom of BF Joust champions.

This program is a champion called β (i still wish the hill could allow non-ASCII characters), although it is #3 at time of writing:


I always thought i'm only good at offensive programs, but then i made a one-line defensive program (clock) which made #1, unfortunately not as original as the above:


My Redcode programs

Nothing very good yet, although still better than what you could make ;)

;name DSN
;author NDusN
;strategy nano paper/stone using djn stream
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

org     init

init    spl 1
        spl 1
        spl @0, >5666
        mov }-1, >-1
        djn.f 0, <-22
;name going for ties
;author NDusN
;assert CORESIZE == 8000

step    equ 2667

org      init

init     spl 0
         spl 4
         spl 2
         jmp imp
         jmp (step)+imp
         spl 2
         jmp (step*2)+imp
         spl init
imp      mov 0, step


Semi-serious language list

I created the Semi-serious language list, An attempt to distinguish the good esolangs from the others (which is about 99% of esolangs and still increasing). If you're interested, please help out!