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Paradigm(s) imperative
Designed by Alikberov
Appeared in 2019
Memory system flat
Computational class Turing complete (Koyaanisqatsi)
Reference implementation Koyaanisqatsi
Dialects Koy-Code, Koy-Code
File extension(s) .koy
Full diagram (Logisim), but very minimal (no ALU, no APR etc.)
Full diagram (Proteus) of command decoder

Koyaanisqatsi is an esoteric processor unit invented in 2019 by Alikberov in Logisim program with the goal of being simple and transparent even in machine code. Lots of byte-code is just abbreviation of instructions and dump just represent the machine code like disassembling view. In this case the machine code coming as pseudocode too.

Byte-code overview

So, Code A1 is sign for using register A1 as accumulator, and Code 3D is sign for use register #3 in bitwise Disjunction.

But difficultest region in code table is prefixes, because prefixes can very change logic of instruction.

Koy-Code Introduction
Machine code Mnemonic Description
__ AB __ __ ARG A,B Use Operands A,B
__ __ A9 __ REG A9 Use Register A9
__ __ __ 3D OR A9,B3 Bitwise Disjunction A9 and B#3
12 __ __ 3D OR A9,[D1+2],B3 Bitwise Disjunction Memory cell pointed with prefix [D1+2] and B3 then save result to current accumulator (A9)
__ __ __ CF CCF Complement the CF flag
12 __ __ CF JCF D1+2 Jump to address pointed by prefix D1+2 if flag CF is Fictive
12 34 __ CE JCE D1+D3+24 Jump to address pointed by prefixes D1+D3+24 if flag CF is Enabled
12 34 56 7C AND A9,[D1+D3+D5+246],B7 Bitwise Conjunction Memory cell pointed with prefix [D1+D3+D5+246] and B7 then save result to current accumulator (A9)
__ __ __ 00 HLT Halt program (Jump to 0 and warm restart BIOS, current IP saving to D0-vector)

BIOS starting code

Sphinx C-- like dialect

 void ReBoot(void) {
   // If D0 is clear (this is a "Cold-Start") - then Jump to 256
 #pragma org(0)
   if( (A9 = B0 | C0) == 0 )
          // B0 is alias of D0H - HI(D0)
               // C0 is alias of D0L - LO(D0)
     IP = 256;
   // Else there was "Warm-Start" by HALT-command at the address pointed in D0 

Assembly byte-code

_IP_ _Byte-Code_ __Short__Record__ _Classic_Record_ _Standard_Record_ ___Descriptions___
0000 -- AB -- --|A,B              |ARG A,B         |                 ;Define Arguments
0001 -- -- A9 --|A9               |REG A9          |                 ;Select Register
0002 -- -- -- 0F|FOR 0            |FOR A,B0        |MOV A9,B0        ;For A9 load B0
0003 -- AC -- --|A,C              |ARG A,C         |                 ;Redefine Arguments
0004 -- -- -- 0D|DIS 0            |OR  A,C0        |OR  A9,C0        ;Bitwise Disjunction
0005 02 -- -- --|D0+2             |ptr D0+2        |                 ;Prefixes for ...
0006 -- 05 -- --|D0+2*10+5        |ptr D0+25       |                 ;...accumulating ...
0007 -- -- 06 --|D0+(2*10+5)*10+6 |ptr D0+256      |                 ;...pointers for ...
0008 -- -- -- DF|DF               |JDF [D0+256]    |JZ  [D0+256]     ;Jump if Zero
0009 -- -- -- F8|F8               |INT F800        |INT [0xF800]     ;Interrupt to F80016
000A -- -- -- 00|\0               |HALT            |HLT              ;After interruption 

Dump of BIOS starting code

ADDR .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .A .B .C .D .E .F
0000 AB A9 0F AC 0D 02 05 06 DF F8 00 .. .. .. .. ..
0010 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Few details about Instructions Encoding

ADDR .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .A .B .C .D .E .F
0000 AB A9 0F AC 0D .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
     /\ /\ /\ /\ /\
     || || || || ||
     || || || || \> Read register #0 in translators section (C0) in "Disjunction" instruction
     || || || ||
     || || || \> Use "C" as right operand (translators now in section "C")
     || || ||
     || || \> Read register #0 in translators section (B0) in "For" instruction
     || ||
     || \> Select in section "A" register #9 as accumulator
     \> Use "A" as left operand (accumulator) and "B" as right operand (translator)
_IP_ _Byte-Code_ _Standard_Record_ _Analogue_in_C_
0000 -- AB A9 0F|MOV     A9,B0    |A9 = B0
0003 -- AC -- 0D|OR      A9,C0    |A9 |= C0
0005 02 05 06 DF|JZ      [D0+256] |V = D0 + 256; D0 = IP; IP = DFlag ? V : IP 
0009 -- -- -- F8|INT     [0xF800] |D0 = IP; IP = 0xF800
000A -- -- -- 00|HLT              |D0 = IP; IP = 0x0000
000B 90 90 -- 00|HLT9             |Use Extra Mode #9 in Halting
000E 90 90 -- 00|HLT_             |Just syntax feature ('9' is '_')
0011 80 80 -- 00|HLT0             |Just syntax feature ('8' is '0')
_IP_ ____Byte-Code____|_Standard_Assembler_Mnemonic_ _Descriptions_
7654 -- -- -- DD D0 6A|ADD     D0,D6                |D0 += D6
7657 12 -- -- -- -- 6A|ADD     D0,D6,[D1+2]         |D0 = D6 + *(WORD *)(D1 + 2)
7659 12 34 -- -- -- 6A|ADD     D0,D6,#D1+D3+24      |D0 = D6 + *(WORD *)(D1 + D3 + 24)
765C 10 12 34 -- -- 6A|ADD     D0,D6,D1+D3-24       |D0 = D6 + *(WORD *)(D1 + D3 - 24)
7660 10 10 -- -- -- 6A|ADD1    D0,D6                |Use SIMD-Mode #1:x86-PADDQ
7663 20 20 -- -- -- 6A|ADD2    D0,D6                |Use SIMD-Mode #2:x86-PADDD
7666 30 30 -- -- -- 6A|ADD3    D0,D6                |Use SIMD-Mode #3:x86-PADDW
7669 40 40 -- -- -- 6A|ADD4    D0,D6                |Use SIMD-Mode #4:x86-PADDB
766C 80 80 70 70 -- 6A|ADD87   D0,D6                |Use i8087-FPU: FADD ST(0),ST(6)
7671 80 80 70 70 12 6A|ADD     D0,87#D1+2,D6        |Use i8087-FPU: FADD DWORD PTR [D1+2]
7677 12 34 56 78 90 0F|LEA D0,[D1+D3+D5+D7+D9+24680]|The i8086-Analogue of LEA

Extra Modes

Extra Modes comes like experimental feature with no concretes. That feature become from instructions decoding mechanism and having no strict ideas about using this. One way is using this for co-processing and memory layering, like variant.

External links

  • Main basical popular description of conception (Anons / Copyleft) with Demo
  • Forum discussion
  • JsFiddle Just live single Instruction Assembly full Encoder