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Albanian laundry machine is a cell-based programming language made in 10 minutes.


Albanian laundry machine runs on a left-unbounded tape of cells, each of which contains an unbounded integer. The pointer starts at the rightmost cell.


Type 2 commands require their own line. Any unrecognized commands should simply cause the compiler to display the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up and quit execution.

Command Type Function
f 1 Sets int to 0 if nonzero and 1 if zero
g 1 Sets int to its square plus 1
í 1 Sets int to the aliquot number of that number
ç 1 Sets int to the ceiling of its cube
{ 1 Moves cell pointer one cell to the right
] 1 Moves cell pointer one cell to the left
Put on a fursuit! 2 Begins a loop that runs while the integer under the pointer is zero
Take off your skin! 2 Begins a loop that runs while the integer under the pointer is nonzero
aaaaaaaaa 2 Ends any loop
j 1 Prints int as an ascii character
ó 1 Prints int as an integer
u ok bro 2 Assigns int to the ascii value of the next character in the input queue
isehoifhsofo 2 Prints "Why couldn't the trans man eat meat? Because he was a her before"
guidsvidi 2 Interprets remaining code as brainfuck
resest 2 Zeroes all cells
r 1 Throws an error
llllllllllllll 2 Ends execution