Useful brainfuck
Useful brainfuck is a brainfuck-derivative created by User:Evylah which aims to be useful. It still is brainfuck at its core, but adds a handful miscellaneous instructions to aid with programming.
Along with new instructions, Useful brainfuck adds a new accumulator. This is just another cell, but can be accessed from anywhere in the program. The accumulator is a 8-bit wrapping number and initializes to 0.
Wrapping mode can be toggled with '
and is on by default. When off, each cell and the accumulator can hold any integer, not just numbers from 0-255.
Instruction set
Input is taken in and stored mod 256 if wrapping mode is on.
Vanilla brainfuck
op | description |
> <
Select the cell one to the right or left. |
+ -
Increment and decrement the current cell by one. |
Jump to the corresponding ] if the current cell is zero.
Jump to the corresponding [ if the current cell is not zero.
, .
Input and output the current cell as a Unicode character. |
Useful brainfuck
op | description |
Set the accumulator's value to the current cell. |
Set the current cell's value to the value of the accumulator. |
Set the accumulator to 0. |
Set the accumulator to a random number 0 through 255 inclusive. |
{ }
Move the memory tape pointer left/right the accumulator's value times. |
i d
Increment/decrement the accumulator by 1. |
Increment/decrement the accumulator by 10. |
* /
Double and halve the accumulator, rounded to the nearest integer. |
Accumulator = Accumulator + Value of current cell |
Value of current cell = Value of current cell + Accumulator |
; :
Input and output the current cell as a number. |
Toggles wrapping mode. |
A + B problem
Using accumulator:
No accumulator (also works with Brainfuck+2)
This program harnesses the numeric input and output facilities in order to realize a truth-machine:
Looping counter
The following implements a looping counter which first accepts the number of lines to print, and secondly expects the user to specify the symbol to output in lieu of the traditional asterisks (*
Since any brainfuck program can run in Useful brainfuck, Useful brainfuck is Turing-complete.
- Common Lisp implementation of the Useful brainfuck programming language.