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Not to be confused with Unicode.

UniCode is an esoteric programming language where every character in unicode is one instruction, and therefore anything is valid UniCode syntax, even if it causes run-time errors. One issue, because of this, is the inability to have comments directly in UniCode programs.

The original pages about UniCode are available at revision 11144 (the original page created in 2008) and revision 18209 (a minor fix after two years). However, this language has been stuck on "Work In Progress" for four years before User:NSQX thought that it has been a "Work In Progress" for too long and rewrote this page.

UniCode symbol Unicode decimal value Unicode escape identifier Meaning as UniCode instruction
73 Input as ASCII
79 Output as ASCII
171 Left shift the memory value under the pointer by 1
187 Right shift the memory value under the pointer by 1
204 Input as ANSI
216 Output as ANSI
8592 Decrement the pointer
8593 Increment the memory value under the pointer
8594 Increment the pointer
8595 Decrement the memory value under the pointer
8596 Swap the memory value under the pointer and the clipboard value
8617 Output as Unicode
8618 Input as Unicode
8625 Skip (clipboard value) commands if the memory value under the pointer is not 0
8627 Skip (clipboard value) commands if the memory value under the pointer is 0
8630 Cut the memory value under the pointer to the clipboard value
8631 Paste the clipboard value onto the memory value under the pointer
8632 Copy the memory value under the pointer to the clipboard value
8633 Exit with the memory value under the pointer as the code
8647 Output as decimal
8648 Output as hexadecimal
8649 Input as decimal
8650 Input as hexadecimal
8656 Change the execution direction to left
8657 Change the execution direction to up
8658 Change the execution direction to right (default)
8659 Change the execution direction to down
8662 Change the execution direction to upleft
8663 Change the execution direction to upright
8664 Change the execution direction to downright
8665 Change the execution direction to down left