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uhidklol: a no whitespace asm-like language.

language documentation


  • i [var] = input data in var
  • o [reg] = output data in reg
  • c [reg] [value] = set reg to value
  • j [line] = jump to line
  • a [value] [var] = add value to already existing value in var
  • s = same but substract (same syntax)
  • m = same but multiply (same syntax)
  • d = same but divide (same syntax)
  • q = quit program


  • $var = variable store
  • $ath = arithmetic operations
  • $ds1-4 = data store 1-4, these are basically buffers

other info

  • the "value" arg in any instruction can also be a register (and therefore also a variable)
  • variables are automatically stored in register $var, up to 16 different variables of 4 bytes each (that means 4 characters max, "varname" is a placeholder, its too long to be a valid one)
  • the output of the instructions a s m d is automatically stored in $ath
  • every register is the same size, that means, 64 bytes
  • whitespace = line end
  • there can only be 1 instruction per line, and every line that isnt commented out must be an instruction
  • arguments must be separated from each other by a comma, but never the first (or only) arg from the instruction.
  • each instruction MUST be separated with whitespace. it can be any type of whitespace as long as its in the ascii table
  • to encode whitespace in strings, it goes like if it were an url: %20 = space, %0A = newline, %09 = tab
  • when referring to any variable, it must be preceded by a dot. they dont need to be declared (being similar to how basic treats them, where any string ending with "$" becomes a variable). if theres a %20 between the dot and the following part of the string, this rule wont apply
  • each new (not comment) line MUST begin with a line number. line numbers must NOT skip numbers, be in base 16, the letter part MUST be uppercase and be preceded by #
  • instruction/register names MUST be lowercase, % encoding MUST be uppercase if it includes a letter
  • every argument is case sensitive
  • uhidklol CANT handle any code pages nor unicode, its just plain ascii
  • preceding any string with @ turns it into a comment until next instance of @ (this is the only instruction/symbol that admits not % encoded whitespace, including newlines)
  • preceding with ! any of the special characters # $ . ! @ , % escapes them. wont apply to any whitespace character
  • the default value of any variable is 0 (duh)

example programs

hello world

#1c$ds1,hello%20world #2o$ds1

infinite loop

#1a0,.varname #2j#1


#1i.varname #2o$var