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URSL is an esoteric programming language created by user:David.werecat which has a stack, queue, tape, memory array and ten registers.


During these examples, numbers 1-9 represent a register argument. There are 10 registers, numbered 0 through 9. The number of the register is used as the argument. Also during the examples, a series of underscores (eg. ___) represents that there is a code block inside the instruction.

Instruction Description
a12 1 = 1 + 2
b1 If 1 >= one hundred and twenty eight, set 1 to two hundred and fifty five; otherwise set 1 to zero
c1 1--
d12 1 = 1 / 2
e12 1 = 2
fo1___? If 1 is not zero, execute the enclosed code block
fz1___? If 1 is zero, execute the enclosed code block
g12 Swaps 1 and 2
h12 1 = 1 modulo 2
i1 1++
j1 Jumps 1 instructions ahead
k1 Dequeue a value from the queue and store it in 1
lo1___/ Loops the enclosed code block while 1 is not zero
lz1___/ Loops the enclosed code block while 1 is zero
m12 1 = 1 * 2
n12 1 = 1 and 2
o12 1 = 1 or 2
p1 Pop a value from the stack and store it in 1
q1 Enqueue 1 in the queue
r1 Read a character into 1
t Terminates the program
u Push the value of 1 into the stack
v1__- Set 1 to the numeric value enclosed in the code block
w1 Write character 1 to the console
x12 1 = 1 xor 2
y1 Cycle the registers 1 times
z1 Set 1 to zero
|< Move the tape left
|> Move the tape right
|^1 Write 1 to the tape
|v1 Read a value from the tape and store in 1
&12 Read a value from memory address 2 and store in 1
*12 Write a value 1 to memory address 2
# Beep
~ Clear the console
% Throw an error
$ Sleep for one second
\___\ An infinite loop
@ Break from an infinite loop
!1 Write integer 1 to the console

All spaces, tabs, newlines and ;'s are treated as whitespace. Comments are not possible.


CAT Program


Hello, world!


External resources