Translated ORK/Mihai Again10

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Warning: Wrong MS-DOS version, Šà�ìj7`­œÿf�ã�­øË—Ÿ§vG��í#}÷oöc?c¦‘QÑ\pê¤]˜/�œ=è—{7ë`8ºå·ý�n¥¯)æNÅÿ`ÎüFO™Ï,°øCA{?þ²î�«¡mÿiËúM팀Ö"‘j½w»

1. Take this crappy and shit program that is uG6@æÍ.j“ ä��Ë2ÊM®ƒÉ=lDbâA=±x¥²ÉœÅå¸��Æo·OЍMO?�x�²¶«[›��Z�ð

Do you mind, Carlsberg, for the convenience of representing Cohen.
Hunting people
Hunting people
Wu Xu and Zheng Zhanshi from Ya Neng Store
Hunting people
Hunting people

2. We're going to put magic on this program with «â3ÙÍ�îØ?SÄÇ�äßÉû�@œLDÒuÄSQç¬_˜ñ(¤Bp£ˆ¢…�›ƒ¿¯|F ✨

Baidu: English -> Bislama -> English (3 times)
Microsoft: English -> Klingon -> English (4 times)
Baidu: English -> Bislama -> English
Google: Treat as Bambara -> English -> Bambara -> English
Google: Treat as Korean -> Bambara -> Korean -> English

3. What a �P6_┤∙╤aαφ◙╨╘oûΩ•♥¢3î►(ªôα8╞ôεî┘`╪3╕ΣT╒Ö,Qª┬û∟♀W▓EîMrd↑ßí•‼♫ⁿ▄╕í!

She was a young girl.
<Terminal> to reduce
_with many changes
<Terminal> to reduce
xwo:n to diL
Cation is separated from Sh



There is such a thing as a mouse.
A mouse can be_eaten.
A mouse has a status which is a word.
A mouse has a voice which is a scribe.
A mouse has an input which is an inputter.

When a mouse is to be_eaten:
There is a word called squeaky sound.
input is to readOne squeaky sound.
If input says it's done then status is "eaten".
voice is to write squeaky sound.

There is such a thing as a cat.
A cat can eat a mouse.
A cat has a Lingo which is a linguist

When a cat is to eat a mouse:
The mouse is to be_eaten.
Lingo's first operand is the mouse's status.
Lingo's second operand is "eaten".
Lingo is to compare.
If Lingo says it's not equal then I am to loop.

When this program starts:
There is a cat called Lucifer Sam.
There is a mouse called Gerald.
Gerald's status is "alive".
Lucifer Sam is to eat Gerald.


She was a young girl.
<Terminal> to reduce
_with many changes
<Terminal> to reduce
xwo:n to diL
Cation is separated from Sh


Translated ORK/PSTF Again14